Vishwa means ‘the Universal’ and Amara means ‘the Eternal’. Vahini means a Vehicle or Channel.
The name VishwaAmara is derived from the names of two great Rishis – Maharshi Vishwamitra (Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi) and Maharshi Amara. It …
Rishis – The Light Masters and their teachings, philosophy and Works
Events that are likely to happen leading to the Light Age and life after that
Our Earth and Life in the Light Age or Satya Yuga
Details about God, Creation, Yugas, Time, the Unmanifest…
Meditation, Stillness, Positivising, Inner Healing, Light Principles and techniques
‘OM’ is one of the most sacred Mantras in existence. It represents the Primodial God. When repeated, this mantra connects us directly to Parabrahma and His energies.
A lot has been written and understood about this …
Man has always been fascinated by the enormity of Creation. While pondering over the vastness of an ocean, or a blue sky or the picturesque display of the night sky, a number of questions about …
Continue reading...The year 2012 has been eagerly awaited for many years — with excitement, expectation, even dread. The news of its postponement will surely be met with disappointment rather than relief. Many of us would want …
Continue reading...No other year in recent history has caught the attention of people across the world as 2012 has. And no other date is the convergence point for so many important events as 21st of December …
Continue reading...The name ‘Rishis’ brings to our minds the archetypal image of old men, with matted locks and long beards, sitting in forests or caves in deep meditations. Or we may think of them as characters …
Continue reading...There’s no day in a month that isn’t auspicious for Meditation; in fact, Meditation itself brings sacredness to the day, to the time. Yet there are time-periods in a day, like early morning before sunrise, …
Continue reading...A revolutionary once said: ‘I am a soldier so my son can be a farmer and his son, a poet’. His words stand as an example for the optimism and hope that characterises Human nature. …
Continue reading...We’ve seen that the path of Meditations is similar to the ‘Hero’s journey’, where an ordinary man embarks on an adventure which changes him in unimaginable ways. The transformation begins in the process itself and …
Continue reading...‘The Hero’s Journey’ is a common narrative found in most of the myths and stories across the world. An ordinary man is forced to go on a journey, either out of choice or because of …
Continue reading...Imagine looking up at the clear night sky, at the millions of sparkling stars, away from the glare of the city-lights. Or staring out on the vast expanse of the blue oceans, all the way …
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