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VishwaAmara Vahini

Submitted by on July 25, 2010 – No Comment

Vishwa means ‘the Universal’ and Amara means ‘the Eternal’. Vahini means a Vehicle or Channel.

The name VishwaAmara is derived from the names of two great Rishis – Maharshi Vishwamitra (Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi) and Maharshi Amara. It is their Light and Wisdom that shines through these writings.

On this website, we share the Universal and Eternal truths of Life, which are channelled by the great Rishis. These writings are not the result of any scriptural or dogmatic studies, but of the Wisdom and Knowledge gained through direct higher experiences.

VishwaAmara website was launched on 25th July 2010; on the day of Guru Purnima.


The Logo of VishwaAmara Vahini is a glowing Lamp on a Lotus.


The Light of the Lamp with the Om symbol represents the Light from God. The colours White, Golden and Violet represent the three principal layers of Mula Brahman.


The Lamp represents the physical channels of God who help the Light shine. It is the Rishis and their support for Humanity and Creation.

Lotus flower is the highest vehicle of God for His missions. It represents Discernment, Balance, Purity and Enlightenment.

The colours—

Violet: The Light of Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi (formerly Vishwamitra Maharshi)
Green: The Light of Maharshi Amara
Golden Om Symbol: Represents Vasishtha Maharshi, and his Light

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