Our Mission
The darkest night always has the most beautiful dawn. Every soul knows this deep within – that we are finding our way out of this darkness, which clouded our Earth for the past 5000 years and are about to break into a New dawn of Light. We’re in the middle of a great transformation that’ll take humanity into the next loop of Evolution!
The Rishis hold the lamp so that we the travellers don’t lose our way before the Sun warms the horizons. Vishwa Amara is one such Light which carries the hopeĀ and dreams of tomorrow for Humanity. The Light comes from the Great Masters. We’re blessed to be their ground crew.
Our mission at Vishwa Amara is :
- To help individuals connect to their Inner Light and Wisdom.
- To share information about Pralaya, 2012, the Light Age and other Truths.
- To provide new knowledge about the Rishis, God and His Creation.
- To reveal certain Spiritual truths at appropriate times, under the guidance of the Rishis.
- To inform about various Spiritual activities like anchoring and spreading energies, dealing with grosser and higher forms of energies, understanding their importance etc.
- To introduce higher forms of Meditations and Spiritual practices, which are suitable for these changing times.
- To help individuals guide themselves in their Spiritual pursuit, with the help of their own Light, Intuition and awakened faculties.