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1. The knowledge presented in these articles is the result of our links with the Rishis in the Higher planes and is based on our understanding of the Spiritual Truths. They are not the result of any scriptural or dogmatic studies.

2. We are not aligned with any Religion, Spiritual path or New Age Group. The Rishis are our guides. VishwaAmara is the platform for disseminating the pure, undistorted Knowledge channelled by these Masters, for the benefit of all Humanity.

3. These articles are meant to inform the readers about the new Spiritual Truths and also to shed new light on the existing Knowledge. No demand is made on the readers to accept any of these. Trust your own intuition, trust the Rishis & God, and accept what you perceive to be right.

4. Comments and questions are welcome. Please be aware that this is not a platform for arguments or debates. Spam or caustic comments will not be uploaded on the articles. You may address your questions and queries to info@vishwaamara.com

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b) The copyright message at the bottom of each article should be displayed in your published article.
c) Proper credit should be provided at the beginning of the published article, with a link to the original article.

6. We are not a path or an organisation. We provide spiritual guidance based on our links with the Rishis. At present we do not conduct any classes or meet people. We publish regular articles and send instructions and techniques through email. Guidance as of now will be given only in English.

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