Amara Jayanti
Celebrating Maharshi Amara’s Birthday
Every true Spiritual Master is a time traveller. He always comes from the future, carrying the Light and knowledge from the times ahead, so that humanity can step forward and evolve. This is true with all inventors, scientists, artists, musicians and reformers who break new ground and advance human civilization with the gifts they carry from the future realms. These great souls who’re the incarnated Rishis are misunderstood or hated by those who’re still stuck in the old paradigms, only to be honoured and venerated once humanity progresses and recognises the far-reaching impact of their work.
Maharshi Amara was one such soul who, in several of his incarnations brought down many gifts for the welfare and betterment of all Life on our Earth. While some of these incarnations are known, the rest remain obscured and hidden forever because of the quality for which Maharshi Amara is renowned — Humility. In his last embodiment as Ambarisha Verma Desai, he brought the knowledge of the future Yuga, and made many aware of the higher spiritual realities that govern our life and advent into this New Light Age.
As we celebrate his presence and honour him on his birthday, on February 1st, let us absorb the principles he epitomized and make them a part of our daily living. Let his humility, unflinching faith in the Rishis, dedication to spiritual growth and service to others be our guiding lights as we navigate the toughest part of the transformatory phase. Let us be aware that the New Age is not a place we move towards, but a state of consciousness to which each individual evolves.
Let the energies of Maharshi Amara inspire us to awaken to Light and choose the Higher Life of Satya Yuga, Now!
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The Logo
This Logo is a loving gift to VishwaAmara and humanity from Maharshi Amara and the Rishis.
The Great Rishis carry God’s Light for all humanity, for all life, and the logo symbolises this aspect. The light of the lamp with Om represents the Light and Love from the primordial God, Mula Brahman.
Maharshi Amara also explains that a lamp is symbolic of being eternal as it always spreads Light to dispel darkness.
VishwaAmara is proud to be the lamp of the Rishis, holding the Light, Energies and Knowledge of the Rishis and God. We unveil this symbol for VishwaAmara today, on the birthday of Maharshi Amara.
Let the Light from the Rishis fill every soul with Love, Peace and Happiness.
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Additional Reading –
Rishis – The Light Masters
Maharshi Amara – The Eternal
Maharshi Vishwamitra – The Brightest Light
Copyright © 2011 VishwaAmara.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
VISHWAAMARA logo is very meaningful and beautiful. Let the lamp of rishis shine through Vishwaamara in everyone of us all the time.
Can we have this kind of info a day before the event.
Like a day before 25 dec on Jesus.
thank you very much
Multitude of regards and love to Maharishi Amara! The Logo has enormous energies and a great message to all. May the lamp shine till eternity! 🙂
Dear VishwaAmara team,
Amara Maharshi has been an inspiration to many and the humility that he embodied has been the guiding light to many in their Spiritual Pursuits. We thank you for providing us with the simplest yet profound article on his birthday celebrations. Their are key-points presented here for contemplative application of ‘AMARA’ in our lives.
Further the Logo true to its symbol depicts so many truths such as a Yogi immersed in Poorna Samadhi experiencing the Ultimate (Pranava) or a Guiding beacon of Light or as dispeller of darkness or single minded devotion or as calm mindedness, but above all, as the gift from the Rishis its true meaning is exalted.
“Deepam Jyothi Parabrahma” starts a shloka in Sanskrit, and the lamp of VishwaAmara embodies the essence of Mula Brahman in its core and we are happy to be progressing in its Light.
May the Light of the Rishis and GOD enlighten the humanity to its true potential. May the Light of Mula Brahman help humanity in choosing the Light always…
With Loving Humbleness,
My heartiest and humble regards to Amara ji. The logo is full of divine light and very inspiring.
Dear Vishwaamara ,Amaraji & Rishis
Thank you for the gift of knowledge and light. The LOGO is beautiful and very apt. To quote Amarji “Rishi Karyaki Jyothi Sada Jale”.
with Divine love and light
M s guruprasad
Love and Respect to Maharshi Amara.
The Logo is very Energizing and Divine.