Vishwa means ‘the Universal’ and Amara means ‘the Eternal’. Vahini means a Vehicle or Channel.
The name VishwaAmara is derived from the names of two great Rishis – Maharshi Vishwamitra (Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi) and Maharshi Amara. It …
Rishis – The Light Masters and their teachings, philosophy and Works
Events that are likely to happen leading to the Light Age and life after that
Our Earth and Life in the Light Age or Satya Yuga
Details about God, Creation, Yugas, Time, the Unmanifest…
Meditation, Stillness, Positivising, Inner Healing, Light Principles and techniques
The World around is unravelling slowly and the signs are evident for those who pay a little attention to the events happening at various levels. Such changes are a part of Nature, a part of …
Continue reading...One thing which can solve all our problems, difficulties and struggles in an instant —
is Love!
Those who have experienced the highest have said that, at its very core, Existence is pure love. Love is the …
Our Creation has manifested because of God’s desire to experiment with His own potential. One of the main features of this Creation is diversity. We can witness it in the millions of species among plants, …
Continue reading...‘The Mystical isn’t hidden, it is ignored’ goes a saying. Life has more to it than what we normally see, hear and perceive. If we are unable to recognize the sublime and the mysterious, it’s …
Continue reading...‘You are not a body made of flesh and blood; you’re pure consciousness’ said an ancient mystic. The findings of modern science seem to agree with this idea. The most fundamental unit of a human …
Continue reading...This month, March, will mark a crucial phase of transition on the Earth. The processes relating to our movement towards the Light Age will intensify and many changes will become predominantly visible. The purpose of …
Continue reading...Recently we published an eBook, ‘Communing with Light’ in which the different ways of using Light in our lives has been explained. The book contains simple techniques of utilizing Light as a part of our …
Continue reading...Mystics say that our inner world and the outer world are one and the same. The state of our inner experience manifests outside, either as peace or as turmoil. When we establish harmony and equilibrium …
Continue reading...Today we celebrate the birth anniversary of Maharshi Amara. This is the occasion to offer our respects and love to this great master and imbibe the wisdom that he imparted to all during his lifetime. …
Continue reading...We have entered 2012, the most awaited year by humanity, mainly because of the Mayan prophesies and the expected Galactic alignments! This is the year that carries a lot of hopes and promises. It also …
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