Articles tagged with: amavasya

The Photon Belt is an inter-stellar Energy field in Space, through which our Earth, Solar system and the Sun pass through, as the Sun moves around a bigger star, Alcyone. It is a field of higher …

We move into the New Age of Light when we let go of every trace and influence of the Dark Age. Shifting into the Light Age is not an automatic process. It is a conscious …

We begin this month with the presence of Goddess Mahalakshmi who descended to our Earth last week. We will also have the presence of Lord Krishna later on. This is an important period where many …

We are in a period of important changes and transition. Having just completed the twin eclipses, Venus transit and the Solstice, we are moving into a phase where many divine personalities will be descending down …

The World economy is on a downward spiral as the financial crises grips one nation after the other. A crumbling economy directly affects each individual in the form of salary cuts, unemployment and increase in …

One thing which can solve all our problems, difficulties and struggles in an instant —
is Love!
Those who have experienced the highest have said that, at its very core, Existence is pure love. Love is the …

‘The Mystical isn’t hidden, it is ignored’ goes a saying. Life has more to it than what we normally see, hear and perceive. If we are unable to recognize the sublime and the mysterious, it’s …

This month, March, will mark a crucial phase of transition on the Earth. The processes relating to our movement towards the Light Age will intensify and many changes will become predominantly visible. The purpose of …

Mystics say that our inner world and the outer world are one and the same. The state of our inner experience manifests outside, either as peace or as turmoil. When we establish harmony and equilibrium …

We have entered 2012, the most awaited year by humanity, mainly because of the Mayan prophesies and the expected Galactic alignments! This is the year that carries a lot of hopes and promises. It also …