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Home » Special Days

The New Year – 2014

Submitted by on January 1, 2014 – 3 Comments

Every New Year brings with it new beginnings, Hope and an abundance of love and grace from God. We are in the transition period to the Light Age and this phase is naturally turbulent as humanity has to come out of years of negativity, vested interests and ignorance and move towards a higher value system of positivity, love, accommodation and sharing. But the essential requirements to sail smoothly through this phase is simple; one must surrender, consciously make efforts to outgrow their shortcomings and start manifesting the divine qualities into their daily living.

2013 was a wonderful year where humanity was able to clear a lot of its karmas, witness a shift in its awareness and receive an abundance of new energies. And with the hastening of time, the year went by pretty quickly too.

2014 brings with it a lot of new promises. It presents many new opportunities to hasten our spiritual growth. All these years many have been pursuing spirituality but were unable to completely manifest their divinity. This year presents opportunities for all those ready to actually become “the Citizens of the Light Age and the Children of God”.

This year promises to be Bright and loving. Humanity will continue to receive help and assistance in abundance from the Higher Intelligence and the time period will aid spiritual progress. Reaping the fruits of our effort will be easier henceforth.

It will also be a year of Healing and Blessings.

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The New Year comes in between the Shunya Masa and we have the presence of four very great Rishis during this period on our Earth. These Rishis are very advanced Spiritually. They have amazing capacities and have advanced the knowledge of Spirituality to a very large extent. Vishwamitra Maharshi mentioned that these Rishis are some of the few individuals in our Creation who have been able to go beyond ‘Unconditional Love’. They also have the capacity to shift their awareness beyond the ‘Time’ of Mula Brahman.

These Rishis, through their Tapas energies created the Sudarshana Chakra and Trishul that is used by MahaVishnu and Lord Shiva respectively. They created these gadgets (weapons) and gifted it to ParaBrahma, who further gifted it to the Divine Personalities. They have also created many powers, weapons and Jewels for Devi and Lord Brahma.

These Rishis have a lot of spiritual knowledge and Wisdom, and even now Lord MahaVishnu takes the advice of these Rishis for his work and decisions. These Rishis are present on our Earth because of the special invitation from Vasishtha Maharshi.

These Rishis are executing new projects in the entire Material Cosmos (Brahmanda) and anchoring many powerful energies. This Shunya Masa has been the most rewarding as well as most intense in terms of the Pralaya processes.

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A Year of our Earth is calculated by its revolution around the Sun. Due to our transition into the Light Age and the implementation of the project “Pavitrena Karyam” in our Brahmanda, this new batch of Rishis along with Vishwamitra Maharshi and the Saptarishis have taken a decision to energetically change the period of a year from the present 12 months to 6 months from now onwards. On the calendar we shall still have 12 months, but at an energetic level, there will be shifts in the energy every 6 months.

The various plans and projects that the Rishis planned and executed so far were for a period of 12 months until now, but henceforth they will be for a period of 6 months only. The progress and situations will be reviewed by the end of June before deciding the new set of projects henceforth.

This shortening of the period of a year will help the Higher Intelligence to monitor the implementation of various projects more closely. It will also help in better coordination of the projects with the changes being brought about in other part of our Material Cosmos.

The change in the energy patterns will also influence our life here at the individual level. We too can be in tune with this and plan our actions and activities for a period of 6 months instead of a year as we generally do.

The Rishis mention that the month of January will be a phase of intense churning. April and May will be highly energetic months where an abundance of opportunities for growth will be available. Every individual will be able to grow to any heights during this period if the right efforts are made. June would be the period of evaluation and understanding before decisions are made for the next 6 months.

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January 2014

The Year and month begins with a New Moon signifying new beginnings. This month will be that of cleansing and purification and the energies available will help us to completely outgrow some of the limitations that we have been struggling with for years. If we are open, we will be able to recognise the importance of our inner change and strengthen our transformation into Higher Beings.

The Rishis mention that in one part of our Brahmanda, two galaxies will be crashing into each other and exploding today (1st). It may take millions of years for the Light and particles to reach our Galaxy at the physical level, but the energies will spread to the entire Brahmanda immediately. The energies from these two galaxies will help in hastening our progress at the individual level.

Vishwamitra Maharshi on Christmas brought many new energies from a newly discovered Universe called “Vishwa Brahma Amulya”. These energies were given by him to the individuals on the Earth who could receive and hold these higher vibrations. During the period between 26th and 30th January, he will be anchoring them on our Earth and in other parts of the Brahmanda. During this period the Saptarishis will also be releasing many energies that they gathered during their month long Tapas. This period is a very energetic phase and these new energies will bring about a lot of transformation.

To make good use of these new energies from ‘Vishwa Brahma Amulya”, we at VishwaAmara will be having a Meditation workshop on the 26th to help the participants absorb the new energies and work on activating many new inner faculties in the individuals.

At the end of the month, on the 31st, the Rishis will be anchoring in another set of energies that will be tough in nature. These energies are meant to destroy the dark energies on our earth and it will have its impact on the individuals too who harbour dark energies within them.

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The Special Days of January are –

1st January – New Years Day

New Years Day is always an occasion to express our gratitude for the year gone by and welcoming the coming year.

As we are transiting further towards the Light Age, we have to rise above individuality and emote and think for humanity at large. The New Year’s Day presents a wonderful opportunity where we can pray for the well being and Peace of our Earth, and also make resolutions to start accommodating our fellow Beings and be of service to others whenever possible.

We shall have the energies from the two Galaxies that are crashing into each other. Through our prayers and intent, we can wish well for our Earth, and humanity to transform and transit smoothly into the higher vibrations. This is also a day to express our Love and gratitude to the Rishis and other Beings who have been so selflessly helping each one of us and our Earth and the entire Galaxy.

11th January – Vaikunta Ekadasi

This is the day when our earth is directly aligned to Vaikunta (Vishnu Loka) and we receive energies directly from there. The New Batch of Rishis have already anchored a lot of energies from MahaVishnu and Mahalakshmi on our Earth and these energies will be activated on this day. If we are open and sensitive, we will be able to make out a change in the vibrations of the energies on our Earth.

We can all experience these energies directly through our Meditation. The Rishis suggest experiencing Dark Pink and Dark Blue coloured energies to connect with Mahalakshmi and MahaVishnu respectively. We can connect to these personalities and seek guidance, Love and knowledge.

The Rishis will also be implementing many changes in the Brahmanda on this day. The Astral travels to the Divine Planes will resume from this day after many years and we can pray to Rishis for assistance to visit Vaikunta in the night.

14th and 15th January – Maha Sankranti

Normally the 14th of January is celebrated as Sankranti. It is the beginning of Uttarayana and a Divine personality in charge of this phase called the Sankranti Purusha is invoked and worshipped. It is also the day when the Saptarishis return after their month long Tapas and resume charge of the administration of the Cosmos.

This year, the new Batch of Rishis will be releasing many special energies on the 14th and 15th and conduct various experimentations in the entire Brahmanda. They will also be bringing down and releasing a very new energy in our part of the Creation for the first time. The Rishis call it the “Transparent Platinum energy”. We can absorb these energies during our Meditation. Be open, pray and mentally accept these energies with Love.

16th January – Purnima

During the last month, the new Batch of Rishis have worked a lot on our Moon and have charged it up with many new energies. Our Earth will be in alignment with the Moon (full face of the moon) for the first time after this energy work and it will be an amazing day for us here on Earth. These new energies will initiate people into higher stages and hasten our spiritual progress.

26th to 30th January – Anchoring of New Energies

Vishwamitra Maharshi will be anchoring the energies from ‘Vishwa Brahma Amulya’ into our Brahmanda during this period. The Saptarishis will also be releasing many new energies gathered by them during the period of their Tapas.

These five days is a period for intense meditation.

Many Rishi workers and Light workers will also be working all over the world to absorb these energies and use them for their work. It will also help in strengthening the work of the genuine Spiritual organisations and hastening our transition into the next phase.

30th January – Amavasya

This New Moon Day is the day to welcome the changes into our system after a month of intense spiritual transformations. It is the day to re-evaluate our progress and consciously make efforts towards the necessary changes.

The energies present also help us open up further to the unconditional love which radiates from our Source.

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You can read our eBook – “Communing with Light” to know more about the higher ways of using Light in our day to day life.

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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.

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