Articles tagged with: amavasya
The comet Elenin is passing through our Solar system and is moving closer to the Sun. It has caused no destruction until now as a few doomsday prophets had warned us. Now, on its return …
We had the presence of two personalities — Goddess Mahalakshmi and Lord Krishna in the month of August where they carried out many important works. They also counselled the entire humanity and conducted astral workshops …
There are realities beyond what we see, hear or normally know. Most of us are unaware of these realities because of our spiritual condition and also because of the times we live in. When we …
As the seasons change gently, a new phase in the evolution of humanity has also arrived at our doorstep. We’re entering into a golden period of a few months that opens up a huge number …
The transformation of Siddhartha Gautama into an enlightened Buddha is perhaps, the story that’s unfolding before everyone of us, this moment. He faced a crisis of conscience by witnessing the death and decay around him and turned …
The first three months of this year have zipped past at a supersonic speed as if Time is on a great hurry. These three months have been witness to very unusual events across the world. …
One of the best examples of Nature’s paradoxes is the Hurricane — a whirlwind of tremendous, destructive power but with an absolutely still centre. It’s as if the power of the wind arises from the …
February, the shortest month of the year, is also a short bridge between two seasons. Winter in the Northen Hemisphere will be on its last legs as the Sun advances further North, heralding the arrival …
The frozen days of December are enlivened by the soft melody of jingle bells, the arrival of Santa Claus and the cheer & joy of Christmas. This month brings an opportunity for family and …
This month is dominant with the presence of energies from the Divine Mother, the Goddess energy. Adi Shakti as She is known, is the prime creative force, the Prakruti out of which the entire manifestation …