The New Year – 2013
The Rishis and God wish the entire humanity a Happy, Prosperous and Divine New Year.
As 2012 makes way for the New Year 2013, many changes have occurred in the way our Earth will be transiting into Satya Yuga. One of the important reasons for this major change is the presence and work of the new batch of Rishis, who have arrived to assist the Saptarishis during Shunya Masa. Their works and the changes that have occurred will be explained in detail in the next article to be publishing later in this month.
The first day of 2013 marks the beginning of an important phase in the transition process. The Rishis will be releasing many new and rare energies on this day to help humanity step into a better phase in their lives. While the Rishis are working very hard for the welfare of humanity and all life, they’re also saddened by the strong presence of negativity on our Earth and the unwillingness of many individuals to transform. They’re trying their best to ensure that this year will be peaceful and full of Light.
The Rishis will give an abundance of care and support for the deserving; at the same time, they’re working towards taking stronger actions against adharma and against those who pursue it willingly. We can strengthen their hands by aligning ourselves totally with Light, in thought, word and deed. We can resolve to manifest all that is good and positive, in every aspect of our lives.
Let us consciously welcome the new phase that our Earth has entered and take strong resolutions to align with the positive forces of the Universe, in our own small ways.
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The Special days for Meditations in this month are:
Jan 1 — New Year’s Day
A New Year starts when the energy pattern of our Earth undergoes a shift. Different cultures follow different calendars which mark such shifts, and all these are important days, spiritually.
Some energy shifts are applicable only to some parts of our Earth. One example is the agricultural societies which mark their new year based on harvest patterns, where the energy shift is localised only to such groups and areas. There are other shifts in Energy patterns which impact the entire Planet and all life on it. The new year day of the Gregorian Calender—1st January and the first days of the Solar and Lunar cycles are important days which have a wider influence and greater effect on the whole Earth.
On 1st January the Rishis will be releasing many new energies. We have to make more efforts towards opening up spiritually and in manifesting purity in our living. These new energies assist us and supplement our efforts. The New Year also marks a new phase in the Pralaya process. Let us use this opportunity to strengthen our Sadhana and realign further towards Divinity.
Jan 11 — Amavasya
The New Moon day is an occasion where we can go within ourselves to introspect, contemplate and learn. We can also connect with our departed elders and ancestors to express our Love and also learn from them.
Sometimes the dark forces use these occasions to release a lot of their energies. Hence the Rishis advice all to shield themselves more on this day and hold an abundance of Light within us. This will prevent us from getting impacted by the negative energies, if any.
Jan 14 — Sankranti
This is the beginning of another new phase where the Sun will appear to be moving North with respect to our Earth. The ensuing period of 6 months is hence known as Uttarayana—the northward journey.
The Rishis invoke a special personality known as Sankranti Purusha, who is the representative and in charge of this important phase. Let us worship this personality and welcome him by offering energies. Meditate more on this day.
Rishis also mention that this day marks the beginning of many new and important changes in every individual’s life. It is now time to put behind the old and start accepting and living the higher truths, which everyone will be able to perceive intuitively. Let us be aware that it is high time for the whole of humanity to start accepting the new spiritual realities and take them seriously.
Jan 27 — Purnima
On all Full Moon days, an abundance of energies are available to help us in our Spiritual pursuits. The Rishis advice all of us to introspect on our Sadhana and understand whether we are following our resolutions and whether we are making sufficient efforts to grow. We also need to check the degree of Spirituality that we’re actually manifesting. Based on these, we have to prioritise and make more efforts.
The Energies on the Full Moon Day will help us in these efforts and assist us in achieving our goals with more efficiency.
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You can read our eBook – “Communing with Light” to know more about the higher ways of using Light in our day to day life.
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Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group.
If you have any queries or would like to enquire about spiritual guidance, please email to Please read our disclaimer
Copyright © 2013 VishwaAmara.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
I am not sure if you will allow my comment to appear on the website but I will still proceed. We are light seekers and I am only seeking to understand, hence the question and query. Hope that you do allow it this time and there is some debate on it and the Rishis show us the way as it’s getting harder and harder for some.
Some of us have been waiting for a long time to see a transformation in such a way that light pervades the world. Some of us were looking forward that it would be in 2012 or soon after. Based on the paragraphs below, I note that the Rishis are working hard but they are also saddened. If they are saddened, how can one expect humanity not to be saddened and find it harder to have light and love. I sincerely think that they need to do something about it, they need to really make a change happen and need to use all the powers that they have. Some are just tired of waiting for that promised change and some are just losing faith as they can’t see the light and love. When will the rishis and Adi Shakti really make a change? When will they really transform the systems? When will healing happen across the board in such a way that ALL corrupt and malicious systems transform into a peaceful and prosperous system with only love and light.
I sincerely hope that you will reply and will find an answer which helps the true seekers and sadhaks.
“”While the Rishis are working very hard for the welfare of humanity and all life, they’re also saddened by the strong presence of negativity on our Earth and the unwillingness of many individuals to transform. They’re trying their best to ensure that this year will be peaceful and full of Light.
The Rishis will give an abundance of care and support for the deserving; at the same time, they’re working towards taking stronger actions against adharma and against those who pursue it willingly. We can strengthen their hands by aligning ourselves totally with Light, in thought, word and deed. We can resolve to manifest all that is good and positive, in every aspect of our lives.””
Thank You for everything…,