Articles tagged with: Solstice

This month is a beautiful and auspicious period for transformation and expansion. We have wonderful spiritual energies flooding our Earth and they assist every individual to open up and grow. They also bring new opportunities …

At the end of Shunya Masa this year, the Saptarishis had taken a decision to reduce the period of their projects from twelve months to six months and June will be the culmination of the new six month …

Millions of individuals all over the world have been pursuing spirituality and working very hard to transform and also help our Earth transit to the Light Age. Many distinct steps have been taken by us …

We have just emerged from three powerful back to back eclipses. Our Earth is still settling down, energetically, from the impact of these events. A lot of energies were released in this period and many …

December 2012 has been one of the most anticipated months in recent history. The astronomical alignments that are expected to occur on the Solstice (21st Dec) have given rise to many expectations. The various interpretations …

The World economy is on a downward spiral as the financial crises grips one nation after the other. A crumbling economy directly affects each individual in the form of salary cuts, unemployment and increase in …

The period between two eclipses is as important as the eclipses themselves, with the confluence of the energies from both the events gracing our Earth. It’s a period where the Rishis take important decisions for …

As the seasons change gently, a new phase in the evolution of humanity has also arrived at our doorstep. We’re entering into a golden period of a few months that opens up a huge number …

The frozen days of December are enlivened by the soft melody of jingle bells, the arrival of Santa Claus and the cheer & joy of Christmas. This month brings an opportunity for family and …