Articles tagged with: Solstice
The Spiritual journey is long, and more importantly a continuous process. The focus and efforts of the Spiritual pursuit is towards allowing the inner “Spirit” to manifest through our actions and behaviour, emotions and thoughts.
Meditation …
In our daily life, we get used to a rhythm and a comfort zone and when life expands beyond it, we struggle. Many express that in Meditation, connecting to the Energies and to the Divine …
The Shunya Masa Rishis had stored a lot of energies on Earth when they were here in December-January. Some of these energies were released in the past few months. Much of the remaining will be …
We are nearing the end of the year and it has been a good period so far, in terms of our transition. There will be a further spiritual push this month and wonderful energies will …
The energies of June will generally be unassuming but they also contain strong turning points for the individuals. The energies that will be released during the different occasions this month will silently and subtly coerce …
Change and transformation is not easy. Anyone who has tried to develop a new habit like exercising, will attest to this. It takes constant motivation, efforts and perseverance to imbibe the habit till it becomes …
Humanity is going through the phase of making choices and transformation, silently. The last few months have tough and confusing for many. Individually, most are aware of the inner churnings going on but are unable …
Many of us who are aware of the Earth’s transition and following its progress and developments are anxious to know when the Pralaya phase will conclude and eager for the beginning of the actual Light …
The Solstice last month was a very significant day in the transition of our Earth into the Light Age. An important platform was laid for the work of Lord Kalki on that day. At a …
An epiphany is sufficient for our life to transform. We should be willing to put all our might and efforts behind these understandings and pursue them to their logical end.
The Pralaya processes create many such …