Special Days for Meditation — December 2019
There are numerous Special occasion this month and we will be receiving an abundance of new Energies. We will also have the presence of new Rishis during Shunya Masa and we’re influenced by the two eclipses, one later this month and one in January.
The energies will be varied, especially that of Solstice, Shunya Masa and the Solar Eclipse. Please be patient and do not overdo. Take care of your physical and emotional health as there will be an impact from these energies on the individual.
The different energies help our Sadhana in various wonderful ways. They help us understand our strengths and weakness. They help in manifesting more Love and we can accommodate better. The more we tune up to the energies, our life becomes smoother, compassionate and peaceful.
The numerous energies influence and educate us, but they do not work by themselves. Our effort is the most important aspect. Becoming a better person and a good Human Being is in our hands. The Special energies facilitate, lubricate and amplify our efforts, but we have to be sincere in it.
There are many important and unique opportunities in the coming period. May each of us make the best of them.
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There are many who write to us often that they are always stressed and overwhelmed and struggle to cope up with it. The Rishis suggest the following technique for such instances.
We can practice this technique during times of anxiety or stress. It can also be practiced when we are going through a difficult phase. Practice the technique regularly and you will obtain wonderful results.
Face North
Duration – Practice for a comfortable period
Begin with 12 rounds of Pranayama with dark-Blue Light
Pray to the Time period first– year, date and time. Then pray to the Rishis and to Light.
After this, imagine bright Fluorescent light-Blue Light coming from above and filling your completely. Experience for some time.
Then with your intention, extend the same Light to issues causing you the stress and anxiety or the things bothering you. Have a strong intention that the issues are getting healed and dissolved in the Light. Keep practicing till you feel Lighter.
Repeat the mantra “Om Sarve Gunaya, Brahma Poornaya Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
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The Special Days for Meditation are –
10th Dec — Shiva Deepa
12th Dec — Vishnu Deepa, Purnima
During the occasion of Shiva and Vishnu Deepa, a lot of energies from Shiva Loka and Vishnu Loka will be available to us on the respective days. These energies specifically help in the inner cleansing of our system and thereby help us to radiate with Light (like a deepa).
The special energies also help us to internalize, stabilize our Sadhana and aid our Inner growth. Let us spend time tuning up to these energies. They help us to understand the present period in relation to ourselves and also in ways to adapt better and accommodate the ongoing changes.
We will have the special energies for three days and we can spend more time in Meditation. Strengthen your Sankalpa and make more efforts to reinforce the Spiritual values and your connection to Light. The energies will give clarity, guidance and help.
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Please practice the following technique for 3 days, from the 10th to the 12th
Face North
Duration – 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Offer your respects, love and gratitude to Lord Shiva and to Lord MahaVishnu.
Then imagine bright-Blue Light coming from Lord Shiva and Fluorescent dark-Blue Light coming from Lord MahaVishnu and allow these to fill your whole body slowly and gradually. As more Light fills you, imagine yourself to be glowing and radiating with these energies.
After some time, imagine each cell in the body and all your Naadis to be filled with the Light and they are getting charged, energized and cleansed with the energies from Lord Shiva and Lord MahaVishnu.
Repeat the mantra “Om Shiva Vishnu Brahmaya, Tejasayai Namaha” silently.
17th Dec to 14th Jan — Shunya Masa
Shunya Masa is the period when the Saptarishis go into Tapas. In their place, a new batch of Rishis take charge of the administration of the Cosmos. This lunar month is usually very intense with a lot of new energies being released and various Astral works being conducted.
We have Shunya Masa every year, and each of them is a unique and special opportunity. We get to connect to the new Rishis, learn and understand new Spiritual Realities and also experience different energies and Light.
At the beginning of Shunya Masa, we thank our Rishis for their work and service and then welcome the new Rishis. This year, we will have the presence of two Rishis – a Rishi and a Rishika. These Rishis have been specially invited to our Brahmanda for this period.
The new Rishis bring many rare energies to our Cosmos. The Rishis mention that these energies are not easy to obtain and it is acquired by them through special Tapas. We can connect to these personalities during the Shunya Masa. Be patient and connect with a lot of humility and love.
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Following is the technique that you can practice during Shunya Masa
Face North
Duration – 1 to 3 hours
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Orangish-Golden Light
Offer your respects, gratitude, Love and Light to the two Rishis.
Imagine Goldenish-Orange Light coming from the Rishi and Purplish-Pink Light coming from the Rishika and allow this to fill your physical body completely. Experience for some time.
Then imagine the Light to fill your Astral body. Imagine both these bodies to be shining and radiating with the Light and keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Tejasayai Namaha” silently.
22nd Dec — Solstice
The December Solstice is when the Sun is over the Tropic of Capricorn. The Special energies released on this day is important for our Earth and humanity, and for the coming period. This year the Solstice energies are also combined with the Solar Eclipse energies and will be very powerful. This also facilitates many important Spiritual works to occur at the astral and physical levels.
Be mentally open and receive the special energies through Meditation. It will help you to open up to new Realities and in understanding more about yourself. These energies will help you to work on your shortcomings and even small changes you incorporate brings large results.
Please practice the following technique for the Solstice –
Face North
Duration – 1 to 3 hours
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light.
Then imagine Fluorescent Blue Light coming from above and allow the Light to fill you slowly and gradually. Keep experiencing this. As more Light fills, imagine the body to radiate and shine with this.
Then extend the same Light to your Soul and then gradually imagine yourself merging with the Light and experience the Oneness throughout the Meditation.
Repeat the mantra “Om Ayanaya Brahmaya, Triambakaya Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
25th Dec — Christmas
Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi will be available on Earth on this day and we can connect to him and experience. He will be bringing a very special energy generally referred to as the Diamond energies. This is very much required on our Earth and the Galaxy.
The primary function of these energies is to bring change. It opens up new routes and energy patterns and influence a lot of churning and cleansing. This energy when anchored to our Earth will influence many changes including the patterns and way our Earth is functioning. It will open up new dimensions and pathways and aid more Divine Light to enter.
Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi along with Vasishtha Maharshi will work with the Shunya Masa Rishis on anchoring this energy as well as in various Astral works. Their efforts is to ensure a lot of help and guidance from God to humanity, to assist in the shift to Satya Yuga.
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We can practice the following technique on Christmas to experience Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi and the new energies.
Face North
Duration – Meditate as long as you can
Begin with 12 rounds of Pranayama with Fluorescent Violet Light
Offer your love, respects, gratitude and Light to Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi. You can also place your prayers to him.
Then imagine an abundance of bright Fluorescent Violet Light coming from Vishwatejas MulaBrahmarishi and allow this to fill your whole body completely. Imagine yourself to be radiating and shining with this Light.
Then spend more time in sending this Light to your Heart (physical). Experience the Light in the Heart for some time.
Then send the Light to your Soul and experience the Light and Love. As the Meditation progress, imagine yourself to merge with the Light and keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Vishwa Vajra Antaraya, Tejasayai Namaha” silently
26th Dec — Amavasya
— Solar Eclipse 7:59am to 1:35pm IST
The duration of the eclipse is between 02:29am to 08:05am GMT/UT
The Solar Eclipse is important and will have its influence on humanity. It will be very powerful and the strong energies will be present for about a month on the Earth. We need not panic about this or get overwhelmed. Mentally be open and be flexible for transformation. The more we accept the changes, the smoother we move along.
We can prepare for this from now itself. Be more aware of your actions and behaviour and consciously make efforts to manifest the Spiritual Values. The energies of the Eclipse help in strengthening all this.
We can also connect to our ancestors during the eclipse and pray for their blessings and energies. The guidance and help we receive from them will help us during this period.
There will be numerous Astral works begin conducted by the Shunya Masa Rishis and by Vishwatejas and Vasishtha Maharishi’s. New energies will be anchored and spread all over the Earth. They will influence the individuals in various areas – health to financial. There will also be opportunities for us to transform our whole life over.
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Please practice the following techniques during the eclipse –
Face North
Begin with 12 rounds of Pranayama with light-Blue Light
Between 8:00am to 9:30am (2:30am to 4:00am GMT/UT)
Pray to your ancestors for their blessings, guidance and also for ways to grow and evolve better.
Imagine bright light-Blue Light coming from the Moon and light-Green Light coming from your ancestors. Allow these energies to fill your entire body slowly and gradually. Experience for a couple of minutes and then imagine the body to be radiating and shining in this Light.
Then extend the same energies to your decisions and actions, behaviour and thought processes.
Keep experiencing this throughout the meditation. Repeat the mantra “Om Chandra Shaktiyai, Pitru Haritha Tejasayai Namaha”
Between 9:30am to 1:35pm (4:00am to 8:05am GMT/UT)
Imagine bright-Golden and bright-Orange Light coming from above and filling you completely. Keep experiencing for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your future period; the coming months and phase and have a strong intention that it is radiating with Light.
Repeat the mantra “Om Sarvae Swarna Brahmaya, Grahana Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
1st Jan — New Year’s Day
On the night of 31st is when we thank the present year, express our love and gratitude and also receive feedback on issues that we have not been able to learn. It is also the time where we appreciate ourselves for the progress made and for our hard work.
On the night, be open to receive energies and information from the New Year. The energies help us to evolve internally and also understand the core and important information from the Universe. The more we open up, the better our understanding.
On our Earth, the New Year also begins when the Shunya Masa Rishis are present. So generally their energies and influence are also present in the New Years energies. These are valuable and important.
We can practice the following technique on the eve of the New Year and also welcome the New Year—
Face North
Timing – 11:30pm (31st) to 12:30am (1st)
From 11:30 to midnight, we pay our thanks and gratitude to 2019 and bid it farewell.
From midnight to 12:30am, we welcome the New Year. Offer your love, respects and Light to the Purusha of 2020. Pray to the Purusha to give you some clarity and details about the year ahead. Be open to receiving and accept.
Then imagine bright-Golden Light (for clarity, guidance and help) and bright light-Blue Light (for healing, nurturing and smooth progress) coming from the New Year Purusha and fill the Light to the next 12 months of your life. Let the Light energise all the various aspects of your life.
Repeat the mantra “Om Nakshatreya, Varshena Purusha Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
Note— You can practice the second part of the technique of experiencing the New Year, anytime on the 1st of January.
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© Copyright 2010-2019 VishwaAmara.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.
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Thanks VA Team
Awaiting for Christmas date and energies, can feel them from now. So many important events in December. Sincere Prayers to the Rishis that I may be able to make use of these wonderful opportunities and meditate, which I am not able to and struggling since long. Thank you for the pure selfless work you have been doing!
With tremendous Love & Respects.
Thanks to VA team for channelling this wonderful information. Now is the time for all of humanity to utilise the opportunities provided by the divine and meditate to usher peacefully in to satya yuga. I humbly pray for oneness to manifest on our planet.