Articles tagged with: Amara
Great Souls arrive once in a way to illuminate the path towards Light. They incarnate in the middle of the dark ages, amongst people who are accustomed to the ways of darkness with the challenge …
We begin this month with the presence of Goddess Mahalakshmi who descended to our Earth last week. We will also have the presence of Lord Krishna later on. This is an important period where many …
Mystics say that our inner world and the outer world are one and the same. The state of our inner experience manifests outside, either as peace or as turmoil. When we establish harmony and equilibrium …
Today we celebrate the birth anniversary of Maharshi Amara. This is the occasion to offer our respects and love to this great master and imbibe the wisdom that he imparted to all during his lifetime. …
There are realities beyond what we see, hear or normally know. Most of us are unaware of these realities because of our spiritual condition and also because of the times we live in. When we …
February, the shortest month of the year, is also a short bridge between two seasons. Winter in the Northen Hemisphere will be on its last legs as the Sun advances further North, heralding the arrival …
Celebrating Maharshi Amara’s Birthday
Every true Spiritual Master is a time traveller. He always comes from the future, carrying the Light and knowledge from the times ahead, so that humanity can step forward and evolve. This …
Once, a great power had to be brought down from a higher plane. The requirement was that the person who would do this had to stand on two different Earths which were billions …