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Special Days for Meditation — August 2014

Submitted by on August 1, 2014 – 4 Comments


Over the last month, the Rishis have been bringing an abundance of new and amazing energies from our Source and anchoring them to our Earth. These energies from ParaBrahma will be initiating various processes for the dawn of the Light Age. With these new energies, the transition process into the Light Age is slowly beginning to blossom and it will be strengthened by the Divine Personalities who will grace upon the Earth this month.

We will have the presence of Goddess Mahalakshmi, Goddess Parvati, Lord Krishna and Lord Ganesha in August and overall it is a wonderful opportunity to commune with the Divine.

It is an extremely auspicious period for spiritual expansion and pursuing our growth in material areas. This period has the potential to burn the individual’s karmas, to solve many problems and ease their journey ahead. Meditation helps. Even for those who genuinely do not find time to meditate, they can spend a few minutes every day in prayer, connect to one’s Soul and fill up their entire system with Light. Always try to be connected to it. This will help in bringing about miraculous changes.

We also have to slowly start shifting our perspective from finding faults and shortcomings in the world to that of being thankful and grateful. We have to become more open, accept the Wisdom of the Universe and learn to surrender more. The shift of our perspective is very important. It will help in strengthening the positive attributes in our life and allow more Light to manifest.

There is an abundance of churning occurring on the earth. The negative events like the unjust wars, cynical attitude by the governments and the greed of corporations and nations stand out. But in parallel, more caring and love is also emanating at the individual level. It is not very prominent yet, but the quest for peace is strengthening. The negativity in the world has to surface first, then acted upon and wiped out, before the Light Age and the splendour of Light can manifest on Earth.

The message from this Rishis is “Strengthen your Meditation. In parallel introspect and accept your negativity. Then make efforts to outgrow them. Let the true Spiritual Sadhana begin.”

Let the momentum of our transition hasten.

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The special days for Meditation in August are –

1st Aug — Naga Panchami

Honouring snakes is an important tradition in most cultures. Snakes in general represent the valued spiritual principles and also symbolically represent “Truth”. Naga Panchami is observed to honour and worship the king and queen of snakes – Lord Nageshwar and Goddess Nagini.

Lord Nageshwar is a very powerful Being and assists in the work of Rishis quite often. He helps in their protection, and in the destruction of the ‘dark’ which interferes in the Rishis and God’s work. The Snake God and Goddess also give immense strength to the individuals who pray to them for protection.


8th Aug — Worship of Mahalakshmi

An amsha of Mahalakshmi will be descending to our Earth on the 8th of Aug and will be present till the midnight of the 17th. It is a very opportune period for focusing on both our spiritual and material aspects of our life and bringing about a transformation into it.

Devi Mahalakshmi will be assisting the Rishis in many projects. Lord Kalki will also be working with Her and taking her assistance in various Pralaya related works during these ten days.

We can all directly communicate with Her and absorb the special energies through meditation.

The Rishis mention that on the 8th, between 12noon and 6pm IST, many special energies from Mahalakshmi will be released all over the Earth. They suggest practicing the following technique on the ten days especially during this 6 hour period of the 8th Aug.  

Face North or North-East

Practice 7 Rounds of Pranayama with Light

Duration – minimum 24 mins, up to an hour (except on 8th, where you can meditate for the entire duration of 6 hours)

Offer your respects and love to Goddess Mahalakshmi and the Rishis. Spend some time in communicating with Her.

Then imagine Dark Pink Light and Bright Golden Light coming from above and filling up your entire system. Imagine the energies filling up every cell in your body and let them radiate with Dark Pink and Golden colour.

Keep experiencing this and go on repeating the mantra “Om Mahalakshmiyai Namaha” silently for the entire duration.


10th Aug — Purnima
               — Upakarma

The Rishis are planning to connect the Earth to the Moon on the 9th of August with a special link so that the special energies from the Moon can flow to our Earth and create a balance and harmony.

On the Full Moon Day, the energies from Devi Mahalakshmi, different energies from other Universes and special energies from the Moon will be flooding the Earth, which can be absorbed through Meditation.

This Full Moon is also observed as the day of Upakarma. It is the day to take spiritual oaths and rededicate oneself towards righteous living. The Rishis mention that we can also pray to Lord Shiva and to Lord Indra on this day for better spiritual and material progress and also pray for good health and the Peace of Humanity.

In the earlier days, everyone (men and women) would wear a cotton thread around their shoulder and chest, symbolic of their commitment towards a righteous living. Later due to various distortions and incorrect interpretations, only the Brahmin men continued to wear them. This thread is symbolic of our spiritual promises – practicing the spiritual values, embracing truth and righteousness, and accepting Light into one’s Life.

The Rishis suggest the following technique –

Practice 3 rounds of Pranayama with Light

Imagine an abundance of Golden Light pouring from above and filling you completely. Experience the Light for sometime.

Then with the Light as a witness, let us pray to It to help us manifest righteousness and all the other virtues of Light in our living. Let us affirm to ourselves to make sincere efforts towards achieving this.

Then imagine the Golden Light forming a string of Golden Light around your left shoulder, across the chest and the string gets connected to your Soul. Keep experiencing this Light.

Practice for a minimum of 24 minutes, upto an hour.

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On this day, the occasion of Raksha bandhan is also observed. In general, this is an occasion for the siblings to connect and bond with each other, heal their relations and experience Oneness.


17th Aug  Krishna Janmastami

Krishna Janmastami is observed as the birthday of Lord Krishna and an amsha of Lord Krishna will be escorted to our Earth at midnight of 17th to 18th. The Rishis mention that this time, more than the presence of Lord Krishna we will be experiencing the energies of Lord Kalki.

The Rishis mention that very important energies from God were anchored on to the Earth during the period of Mahabharata, more than 5000 years ago. During the period of these 10 days (18th to 28th) Lord Kalki will be anchoring ten times more intense energies and prepare the Earth for the transition.

The Rishis emphasise that the change and transition into the new Age begins from within and we have to make efforts to grow and transform. They mention that we should make the best use of the special energies available during this period in that pursuit.

They suggest the following technique for the 10 days —

Practice 7 rounds of Pranayama with Light

Duration – minimum 24 mins, maximum 60 mins.

Imagine an abundance of Fluorescent Blue Light coming from above and filling you completely. Then let the Light form a globe of Light around you. Sitting inside this globe of Fluorescent Blue Light, keep experiencing the energies and repeat the mantra “Om Krishnave Namaha” silently for the entire duration of the meditation.


25th Aug — Maharshi Amara’s Punyathiti
               — Amavasya

Maharshi Amara will be bringing and anchoring Peace and Healing energies to our Earth on this day. These energies will help everyone. He will also be showering our entire Cosmos with his Love and Blessings.

On this day, the entire Material Cosmos (Brahmanda) is invited to an astral gathering to take place in Andromeda Galaxy. All from our Earth will also be taken on this special astral travel. Prepare yourself mentally the entire day. It will help.

As a technique, we can practice this on this day to tune into the special energies and absorb them.

Practice for a minimum of 24 minutes, upto an hour.

Imagine a lot of Golden Light coming from above and form a globe of Light around you. Keep experiencing the globe of Golden Light and repeat the mantra “Om” silently.

Before going to bed, pray for an astral travel to Andromeda Galaxy.


28th Aug — Worship of Devi Gowri
29th Aug — Ganesh Chaturti

Lord Krishna will be on the Earth till 12 noon of the 28th. After he leaves, the amsha of Goddess Parvati will be escorted to our earth who will be here for 3 days, till the noon of 31st August.

She will be bringing many powers and will be giving strength to humanity. She will also be assisting the Rishis in the establishment of new energy grids which will be connecting to the Divine Cosmoses.

We can connect to her and interact with her on these three days.

The amsha of Lord Ganesha will be descending to our Earth on the 29th and will be here for ten days. It is a very important day for humanity. With his help, we can burn many of our difficult karmas and to lead our life with Love, with Light and in simplicity.

The Rishis suggest the following technique to be practiced for the 10 days –

Face North

Duration – minimum 24 mins, maximum 60 mins

Practice 7 rounds of Pranayama with Light

Then imagine Bright Orange coloured Light coming from above and filling you. Then imagine it to form a globe around you.

Keep experiencing the Light in the Globe and within you. Repeat the mantra “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” silently for the entire duration of the Meditation.


30th Aug  Rishi Panchami

This day is dedicated as a thanksgiving day to the Rishis. Let us thank the Saptarishis and the entire network of Rishis who help in the administration of the entire Creation for their unconditional love and service. Let us also pray to God for His blessings for the Rishis to succeed in their mission.

Let us be grateful for the hard work, tutelage and utmost care of the Rishis towards each one of us. We can celebrate the day is silence and connecting to them with our Love and gratitude.

♦       ♦       ♦

Image Courtesy : Igor Zenin

Copyright © 2013 VishwaAmara. Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.

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  • Arundhathi says:

    Dear vishwaamara team,
    I wish to express my gratitude to the excellent knowledge for my spiritual growth. We are blessed to visit our beloved Maharshi Amara in Andromeda Galaxy on his punyathiti.

  • Shubhada says:

    Dear Vishwa Amara team,

    I wish to express my gratitude to you for this wonderful knowledge. I want to thank you for giving us this unique opportunity for the spiritual growth.

    Divine Love,


  • O says:


    As usual, VishwaAmara team is doing a wonderful service to the mankind. So much of Love and so much care to ensure the humanity does not miss on the right efforts. Publishing the universally applicable Meditations is another great service to humanity at large. Only Rishis think of the entire creation without any bias and they share their wealth of knowledge with all, when the time is right.

    We are greatly indebted to the work and service of all involved in this enterprise… whole heart felt gratitude on the postings.

    Thanks for everything,
    in 1ness

  • R S Chawla says:

    Very good, practical and informative post.
    Special appreciation for the picture of the month, an emerging new earth

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