Articles in Higher Realities

The Rishis work on Earth is complex. In many instances, they have to go to great lengths to accomplish them. A lot of it can be executed from the Astral level, however many of the …

To enable the Soul to experience further diversity in our Creation, God permitted it to have multiple physical bodies simultaneously so that it could have various experiences through these bodies in parallel. The different bodies …

The Spiritual Realities are vast and the curiosity and daringness of each Soul enables it to experience these new diversities and transcend boundaries. We took birth on the Earth to have these unique experiences and …

Our Creation has manifested because of God’s desire to experiment with His own potential. One of the main features of this Creation is diversity. We can witness it in the millions of species among plants, …

‘You are not a body made of flesh and blood; you’re pure consciousness’ said an ancient mystic. The findings of modern science seem to agree with this idea. The most fundamental unit of a human …

Recently we published an eBook, ‘Communing with Light’ in which the different ways of using Light in our lives has been explained. The book contains simple techniques of utilizing Light as a part of our …

Life on every Earth in Creation is governed by a set of divine principles. These principles change when that Earth moves from one age to another. The higher intelligence decides these principles so that the …

We know and understand something in totality only by experiencing it. The succulent taste of a juicy fruit is best understood, not by reading or theorising about it but by savouring and relishing it …

We are moving into an age of Light on this Earth. It is a period where Light guides and moulds all life here. Until now, we were living in a period where our existence was …

It is said that when Creation ends at Maha-Pralaya, when all manifestation in withdrawn back into the Great Void, Lord Shiva begins His cosmic dance known as Shiva-Tandav. This dance releases and activates the destructive …