Articles tagged with: works
The birth and life of Lord Kalki is not known to most of humanity unlike the earlier Avataras of MahaVishnu. He was born more than 90 years ago in 1924 and His birth anniversary is …
Shunya Masa is the period when the Saptarishis go into Tapas for a month and their responsibility of administration is substituted by another group of Rishis. This year during Shunya Masa we had the presence …
Since the Pralaya phase intensified a few months ago, there has been an intense churning going on in our Earth. After an initial spell of natural disasters, the man made chaos is surfacing with much …
A lot of activity has been occurring at the higher levels to facilitate our faster progress into the Light Age. And just as the Rishis and Divine personalities are working to uplift Humanity, there are …
Great Souls arrive once in a way to illuminate the path towards Light. They incarnate in the middle of the dark ages, amongst people who are accustomed to the ways of darkness with the challenge …
Today we celebrate the birth anniversary of Maharshi Amara. This is the occasion to offer our respects and love to this great master and imbibe the wisdom that he imparted to all during his lifetime. …
We had three eclipses in a row recently (on June 1st, 15th and on July 1st, 2011). These eclipses were very important spiritually for our Earth. A lot of work was conducted at the astral …
Once, a great power had to be brought down from a higher plane. The requirement was that the person who would do this had to stand on two different Earths which were billions …