Articles tagged with: spiritual

The year 2025 has many New Opportunities and Abundance for humanity. It also brings renewed hope and fresh beginnings. It is up to each of us to be receptive to them. We can make the …

There are many words which in a general usage have a particular meaning but in the Spiritual context has a different connotation. For example the word surrender is generally used in the context of defeat. …

The Spiritual Realities are vast and the curiosity and daringness of each Soul enables it to experience these new diversities and transcend boundaries. We took birth on the Earth to have these unique experiences and …

Spiritual healing is a holistic way of removing an illness from our system. Although the practice of healing is simple enough, the healing energies work on our system in an elaborate way. They interact with …

Health is an important aspect of a prosperous and fulfilling life. We normally think Health in terms of the body alone but being healthy goes even deeper, into the areas of our emotions, thoughts and …

Spirituality is the new buzz word of our age. Many times it is presented as a new ‘religion’, especially when celebrities speak about it. With the increasing popularity of ancient traditions like Yoga, Vaastu, Tai …

The most effective way of building a shield around oneself is to imagine a globe of Light around and then to strengthen it with intention and prayer. Such shields are enough for individual protection and …

The World around is unravelling slowly and the signs are evident for those who pay a little attention to the events happening at various levels. Such changes are a part of Nature, a part of …

‘You are not a body made of flesh and blood; you’re pure consciousness’ said an ancient mystic. The findings of modern science seem to agree with this idea. The most fundamental unit of a human …

Human beings are storytellers. Our stories and myths usually reflect the desires and aspirations that are buried deep in the collective consciousness. One such myth is that of the super-hero, where an ordinary man who’s …