Articles tagged with: Shiva

The entire month is highly energetic, dominated by the two Eclipses. Most of the energies being released this month strengthen the Spiritual aspects of each individual. Other than the Eclipses, the occasions of Shivaratri, Equinox and …

Pralaya is a period where a lot of churnings occur, so that transformation can take place. The churnings are required to help everyone out of their set ways and rigid conditionings.
Pralaya brings the churnings and …

Surrender is a very important pillar of Spirituality. But strangely, the concept of surrender evokes a lot of mistrust and confusion to those who are intellectual about it. The Rishis define Surrender in a very …

The special energies that were released by the Rishis in January are subtle but brilliant and their influence is manifesting very beautifully at the Spiritual level! These energies are helping everyone to heal and understand …

When a baby opens its eyes to the world for the first time, it might feel a bit weird and out of place—as if it has arrived on an alien planet. That uncomfortable feeling must …

The future is always unknown and hidden because it depends on the choices of the present — both individual and collective. The thoughts, intentions and actions of each individual on this Earth contribute in shaping …

Mystics say that our inner world and the outer world are one and the same. The state of our inner experience manifests outside, either as peace or as turmoil. When we establish harmony and equilibrium …

Our Earth is on the dawn of a divine age, which will start in a few years from now. It will be an age of love, peace and prosperity. In other words, it’s an age …

It is said that when Creation ends at Maha-Pralaya, when all manifestation in withdrawn back into the Great Void, Lord Shiva begins His cosmic dance known as Shiva-Tandav. This dance releases and activates the destructive …

One of the best examples of Nature’s paradoxes is the Hurricane — a whirlwind of tremendous, destructive power but with an absolutely still centre. It’s as if the power of the wind arises from the …