Articles tagged with: Meditation

The birth and life of Lord Kalki is not known to most of humanity unlike the earlier Avataras of MahaVishnu. He was born more than 90 years ago in 1924 and His birth anniversary is …
We shall be conducting the following workshops in the coming months :
MYSORE — 20th October, 2013
MUMBAI — 10th November, 2013

The Rishis and God wish the entire humanity a Happy, Prosperous and Divine New Year.
As 2012 makes way for the New Year 2013, many changes have occurred in the way our Earth will be transiting …

The future is always unknown and hidden because it depends on the choices of the present — both individual and collective. The thoughts, intentions and actions of each individual on this Earth contribute in shaping …

One thing which can solve all our problems, difficulties and struggles in an instant —
is Love!
Those who have experienced the highest have said that, at its very core, Existence is pure love. Love is the …

We know and understand something in totality only by experiencing it. The succulent taste of a juicy fruit is best understood, not by reading or theorising about it but by savouring and relishing it …

There are realities beyond what we see, hear or normally know. Most of us are unaware of these realities because of our spiritual condition and also because of the times we live in. When we …

All great revolutions begin at the doorstep of an individual. They find their sustenance and growth through the participation and involvement of separate individuals, striving together for a common purpose. A change can be long …

The first three months of this year have zipped past at a supersonic speed as if Time is on a great hurry. These three months have been witness to very unusual events across the world. …

One of the best examples of Nature’s paradoxes is the Hurricane — a whirlwind of tremendous, destructive power but with an absolutely still centre. It’s as if the power of the wind arises from the …