Articles tagged with: Rishi

Life outside may seem chaotic with a lot of uncertainties. To sail through this phase, we have to meditate more. Meditation and the energies we absorb during the practice will help us to balance life …

We have amazing opportunities for Spiritual growth this month due to the presence of various Divine Personalities.
The various Personalities this month— Devi Mahalakshmi, Lord Krishna, Devi Gowri, Lord Ganesha and Lord MahaVishnu will all be …

The year so far has been intense and has gone by at a quick pace. Even though there may be chaos in the world, we are traversing through this period quickly. This is an advantage, …

September is a wonderful period for Sadhana. We will have the presence of many Divine Personalities on Earth this month and if the opportunities are made use of, we can benefit immensely. It is a …

August is a fantastic month for Spirituality. We shall be having the presence of many Divine personalities on the Earth and also great Rishis. Each day of this month is favourable for Sadhana and it …

This September is a Doorway to many important events in the individual’s life. This is the auspicious period for sincere Sadhana, contemplation and resolutions, and for prioritizing and decision making. New opportunities open up which …

The Saptarishis go into Tapas for a period of one month, which is like their daily Meditation. Because of their absence, this month is known as Shunya (Zero) Masa.
But the Saptarishis invite another group of Rishis …

Over the last month, the Rishis have been bringing an abundance of new and amazing energies from our Source and anchoring them to our Earth. These energies from ParaBrahma will be initiating various processes for …

Celebrating Maharshi Amara’s Birthday
Every true Spiritual Master is a time traveller. He always comes from the future, carrying the Light and knowledge from the times ahead, so that humanity can step forward and evolve. This …

Time moves in cycles on this physical plane. We the humans who inhabit this plane are bound by this movement of time. Those who intuitively discovered the cyclic movement of time, created calendars to record …