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Special Days for Meditation — September 2024

Submitted by on September 1, 2024 – No Comment

Life outside may seem chaotic with a lot of uncertainties. To sail through this phase, we have to meditate more. Meditation and the energies we absorb during the practice will help us to balance life and wade through most of the external confusion.

We continue to have intense and new energies pouring into our Earth this month also. It will help if we can utilize these efficiently. They will help in our growth and in leading a more peaceful life. Try to internalize more, and also work on identifying your inner issues. The energies present will help us in dealing with them. The Eclipse energies and Equinox energies especially will help immensely in this.

Consciously be aware of your physical and mental health, and work on them as a priority. With this healthy balance, we will be able to deal with various small triggers, frustrations and irritations that bother us throughout the day.

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The Lunar Eclipse this month and Solar Eclipse in October are important events. Various changes are occurring at the Cosmic level and with the assistance of the Eclipse, many of these changes will begin to manifest on our Earth.

In fact, various important life-changing decisions are expected to manifest after the Eclipses.

During Pitru Paksha, on the request of the Rishis and Lord Kalki, Lord Yama will be reviewing various karmic laws and rules of the Earth. He will work on granting concessions to those manifesting positivity and in increasing the awareness of balancing life, as it is very much required in the coming months and years.

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The Special days of September are—

2nd Sep — Amavasya

Amavasya is the day for remembrance and gratitude to our ancestors and Pitru Devatas. This is also a day for prayers and working on the heavy family-related karmas.

This month many important energies relating to cleansing and evolving will be available from the Pitru Devatas. Connect to them, and express your prayers and concerns. Meditate.

Amavasya Technique
Face North
Duration— 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Blue Light

Pray to the Pitru Devatas, your ancestors, Chandra Deva and then to the Purusha and Shakti of 2024. After this, place your prayers, fears, shortcomings, and family-related karmas and runas to them.

Then imagine Violet Light coming from the Pitru Devatas, Purusha and Shakti of 2024, the year 2024, and Chandra Deva. Imagine dark-Green Light coming from your Ancestors.

Imagine these to fill your Mind (Manomaya Kosha) and getting engulfed by it. Experience for some time.

Then send the Light to your Shortcomings, fears, conditioning, superstitious beliefs, reluctance to receive, and reluctance to change. Imagine all these aspects absorbing the Light and have an intent that you are willing to accept, Inner heal and Inner transform.

Also, intend that you are willing to get connected to the true Human Nature. Imagine all these aspects to absorb the Light and shine with it. Experience for some time.

Then imagine your entire Physical body absorbing the Light and keep experiencing.

Repeat the mantra “Om Dvi Sahasra Shaktiyai, Pitru Amavasya, Charanayai Namaha” silently.

6th Sep — Worship of Devi Gowri

We will have the presence of Devi Gowri on Earth for a day. We can connect to Her and experience. Be open to receiving whatever She has to offer. The more you are receptive and able to accept, the more we can make use of the knowledge, energies and assistance that She provides.

During her stay here, Devi Gowri will be anchoring various energies on Earth, and also transferring certain important energies to Lord Kalki, Mother Earth and the Rishis.

These energies are vital as they contain a lot of healing energies which are capable of healing various wounds, scars and help in overcoming various conditionings.

She will also help various individuals who are genuinely working on improving themselves and are making efforts in manifesting righteousness in their lives. She will help them to balance their lives better, with various coping mechanisms to deal with the present period of Pralaya and in healing.

She is also expected to work with Lord Kalki on dealing with the heaviness and depth of the present Pralaya period.

Before you meditate, pray to Her for guidance and help, and for the coping mechanisms to deal with the present period.

7th Sep — Ganesh Chaturthi

We will have the presence of Lord Ganesha on Earth for 10 days— the 7th to 16th of September. We can connect to and experience Him during this period.

Generally, most of the things associated with Lord Ganesha are very detailed, structured and well organized. This year, Lord Ganesha will be bringing energies having these characteristics that are associated with highly evolved Light and energies, to that of birth to death of individuals, and the ways of dealing with big karmas and gift it to Lord Kalki.

Connect to Lord Ganesha and pray for inner strength, wisdom, intelligence, patience, and tolerance. Also pray for guidance in the areas where you face hurdles and obstacles, in areas of your life that are not progressing smoothly and having unnecessary difficulties.

Lord Ganesha is the epitome of Wisdom and Intelligence. He manifests the philosophy of “pen is mightier than the sword”. Connect to these aspects of Him when you meditate. It will help you gain clarity about the present period and the ways to deal with it.

The energies of Lord Ganesha will help in the opening up of the Individuals cells, and Naadis. The energies will help us progress to the next level of sharpness yet be calm, be empathetic yet fight for the unjust.

8th Sep — Rishi Panchami

This day is dedicated to honouring the work of the Rishis for their selfless service and unconditional love towards God’s Creation. On this day God will reward and give them a lot of gifts.

It is an important occasion each year, but as the nature of the Rishis goes, it is kept low-key and underplayed.

We can connect to the Rishis and express our gratitude and thanks to them for all their help and guidance they extend to us. We can also express our love.

We can also pray to God for their successful missions.

We can connect to the Rishis and meditate. The Rishis many times pass on a lot of rare gifts, knowledge and energies on this day. We can also utilize the opportunity to connect to the Rishis more deeply and establish stronger bonds with them.

17th Sep — Ananta Chaturdashi

The energies from Lord MahaVishnu will be available on Earth for 10 days— the 17th to 26th September. We can connect to them and experience Lord MahaVishnu.

Lord Kalki and the Rishis will be working with the Light from Ananta Padmanabha. The Pitru Devatas also will be taking the help of Lord Ananta Padmanabha for their work, and in helping humanity reduce their ancestral karmic burden.

The Rishis mention that if we can connect to the “nabhi” of Ananta Padmanabha, we can sharpen our Inner Faculties and also easily sync with the current period. They also say that the more we can connect to the nabhi, we can understand the depth, the power and connection with God itself.

An important project that Lord Ananta Padmanabha will be undertaking out this year is that He will identify real and genuine individuals across the world and connect them to Lord Kalki and the Rishis. These individuals will then help them in their missions and projects of spreading awareness of the present period, the transition and the upcoming Yuga to the world.

18th Sep to 2nd Oct — Pitru Paksha

Generally, there are various misconceptions regarding Pitru Devatas, ancestors and departed Souls. We also perform various religious activities in fear and guilt relating to the ancestors.

Pitru Devatas are the scientists of the Astral world. Their role is to help the individual who has passed away to come to terms with their new reality, and then help them in their onward journey.

After 10 days of death, we usually cannot communicate with the departed individuals directly as they will begin their next part of the journey. The Pitru Devatas help in this process and act as our mediums to communicate with our departed ancestors.

The Pitru Devatas work silently. In some “dense” places, they also work with Spirits to help the locals. They work very hard in areas of war as individuals die in fear and pain which leave heavy scars in their astral bodies.

We can consciously connect to the Pitru Devatas and try to understand more about them and their work.

Pitru Paksha is the fortnight dedicated to this activity of connecting to the departed ancestors and expressing our sentiments to them. The period is also conducive for clearing various ancestral related karmas.

Note— If you are interested in the technique for Pitru Paksha, please email us after the 15th. There would be a fee of ₹500/-

18th Sep— Purnima,
.                Lunar Eclipse 6:11am to 10:17am

The duration of the Eclipse is from 00:41 to 04:47 UT/GMT

The Lunar Eclipse is important. There will be various intense and important energies available during this period and it will help each individual immensely in various areas. In fact, try to take time off on that day. The Meditation and the whole day could feel heavy and tiring due to the strong energies.

When you feel heavy or intense, deep breathe and relax yourself. Mentally be open and go with the flow.

The Eclipse will herald various new beginnings on Earth. Make use of the occasion to the fullest. Try to meditate for the entire duration of the Eclipse and experience the multiple energies made available during that time.

2024 Purusha and Shakti will be very active during this carrying our various works along with the other Divine Personalities and Rishis.

Note— If you are interested in the technique for the Eclipse, please email us after the 15th. There would be a fee of ₹500/-

22nd Sep — Equinox

Equinox is again a very important day, especially as it is in between the two Eclipses. The Rishis and Divine will be carrying out various important works and new doorways will be opened. Various projects will also be initiated for the coming months.

The day is very well suited for both our material and spiritual related prayers. We will also have the presence of the Pitru Devatas and Lord Ananta Padmanabha. Lord Kalki will also be active in various works.

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Techniques for the Special Days are available through a subscription service. Details here

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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to VishwaAmara and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.

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