Articles tagged with: Guru

We are in the lunar month of Ashada, during which we receive an abundance of new Light and energies directly from ParaBrahma. The energies this year are powerful and intense and it is easy to …

The Solar Eclipse and Solstice of June were important events. Rishis and other Lightworkers carried out many significant works during these occasions. The effect of these works and the energies released in the process have …

We shall have the energies from ParaBrahma throughout the month and it is a wonderful period for Sadhana. It will be a very energetic month and an amazing period for all. We can spend as …

This July is a wonderful month for Spirituality and Inner growth. The Lunar month of Aashada begins and its energies will be predominant. We shall also have two Eclipses.
We will receive energies from ParaBrahma directly …

Aashada Masa is special this year. Other than the energies from ParaBrahma, it also contains the energies from other Universes and Cosmoses, including those from our Divine Cosmos. The energies from the ‘Source’ of all …

The world is chaotic and restless. This is the result of the choices we as humanity have collectively made so far. The world has for long ignored the spiritual necessities and focused only on selfishness …

We are nearing the end of Aashada Masa. This period has been an amazing and wonderful phase and contained new opportunities and magnificent energies. This continues through August month also. This is the phase where …

The Solstice last month was a very significant day in the transition of our Earth into the Light Age. An important platform was laid for the work of Lord Kalki on that day. At a …

This entire month, we shall have special energies from ParaBrahma flowing to our Earth. It is an amazing period to be involved in spiritual activities, and in Communing with Light. The abundant energies available will …

We celebrate a very important occasion on this day of Guru Purnima. It is the day of offering our respects and love to the ‘Guru’. In reality, it is also the day where we celebrate …