Articles tagged with: technique

There are many words which in a general usage have a particular meaning but in the Spiritual context has a different connotation. For example the word surrender is generally used in the context of defeat. …

Occasions like the birthday and death anniversaries of the Spiritual masters are observed by many as they are opportunities to muse and reflect upon their life and works. These are also opportunities to connect to …

Aashada Masa is special this year. Other than the energies from ParaBrahma, it also contains the energies from other Universes and Cosmoses, including those from our Divine Cosmos. The energies from the ‘Source’ of all …

The various effects of Pralaya are apparent and more visible now. The negative is predominant especially at the global level. The churnings of Pralaya are getting nastier and unpleasant. It is highlighting the Ego Consciousness …

An epiphany is sufficient for our life to transform. We should be willing to put all our might and efforts behind these understandings and pursue them to their logical end.
The Pralaya processes create many such …

The birth and life of Lord Kalki is not known to most of humanity unlike the earlier Avataras of MahaVishnu. He was born more than 90 years ago in 1924 and His birth anniversary is …

We are approaching an interesting period ahead. An amsha of Lord Shiva who came to our Earth during Shivaratri is still here and He is assisting the Rishis in many important works. We also have …

Health is an important aspect of a prosperous and fulfilling life. We normally think Health in terms of the body alone but being healthy goes even deeper, into the areas of our emotions, thoughts and …

Imagine looking up at the clear night sky, at the millions of sparkling stars, away from the glare of the city-lights. Or staring out on the vast expanse of the blue oceans, all the way …