Articles tagged with: Satya Yuga

Pralaya is a period where a lot of churnings occur, so that transformation can take place. The churnings are required to help everyone out of their set ways and rigid conditionings.
Pralaya brings the churnings and …

We are in the transition phase to the Light Age for many years now. As we get closer to the end of this transition, naturally the challenges and churnings increase. We are moving into an …

We have lived through one of the best Shunya Masa’s in recent times. On the invitation of the Sapta Rishis, a very special group of Rishis graced our Earth in this duration. These great masters …

A revolutionary once said: ‘I am a soldier so my son can be a farmer and his son, a poet’. His words stand as an example for the optimism and hope that characterises Human nature. …