Articles tagged with: purnima

We are nearing the end of Aashada Masa. This period has been an amazing and wonderful phase and contained new opportunities and magnificent energies. This continues through August month also. This is the phase where …

The Solstice last month was a very significant day in the transition of our Earth into the Light Age. An important platform was laid for the work of Lord Kalki on that day. At a …

An epiphany is sufficient for our life to transform. We should be willing to put all our might and efforts behind these understandings and pursue them to their logical end.
The Pralaya processes create many such …

What is choosing Light? It means choosing the values that Light (God) is and manifesting them always. It is also using Light in our every action, emotion and thought. We begin with our conscious efforts, …

“Be the change you want to see” is probably most apt now than ever. Majority are going through their own struggles of life and want a better external world so that their life can be …

Surrender is a very important pillar of Spirituality. But strangely, the concept of surrender evokes a lot of mistrust and confusion to those who are intellectual about it. The Rishis define Surrender in a very …

We are in the transition phase to the Light Age for many years now. As we get closer to the end of this transition, naturally the challenges and churnings increase. We are moving into an …

This month is a beautiful and auspicious period for transformation and expansion. We have wonderful spiritual energies flooding our Earth and they assist every individual to open up and grow. They also bring new opportunities …

With the eclipses in October, we have completed a period where many special energies from various Divine Planes and different Universes were anchored to our Earth. During the past few months, each one of us …

September begins with the intense and amazing energies of Lord Ganesha and sets the tone for the upcoming events later in the month. The pralaya phase will further intensify around the time of the Equinox. …