Vishwa means ‘the Universal’ and Amara means ‘the Eternal’. Vahini means a Vehicle or Channel.
The name VishwaAmara is derived from the names of two great Rishis – Maharshi Vishwamitra (Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi) and Maharshi Amara. It …
Rishis – The Light Masters and their teachings, philosophy and Works
Events that are likely to happen leading to the Light Age and life after that
Our Earth and Life in the Light Age or Satya Yuga
Details about God, Creation, Yugas, Time, the Unmanifest…
Meditation, Stillness, Positivising, Inner Healing, Light Principles and techniques
The pace of time is accelerating. This is an inherent nature of the Pralaya period. It helps us to deal with tough situations and circumstances in a faster manner.
The multitude of new energies pouring into …
Last year, we had posted an article about the Pandemic and what the situation is expressing to us. The points still hold good and we suggest going through it again. Article– The Pandemic
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We will have the presence of the Shunya Masa Rishis till the 13th of Jan. These Rishis are working very hard and implementing various new projects. They are also anchoring and spreading new energies, and …
Continue reading...The coming Year brings in a lot of new experiences, and movement in our transition towards Satya Yuga.
The Shunya Masa Rishis are experts in Maya and they will release a lot of these special energies …
The various special occasions of the month bring new energies and movement in our transition. This entire month is wonderful for Sankalpa and Sadhana. We can expect a lot of changes, and new and evolved …
Continue reading...The essence of this period is “Change”. We as individuals, as societies, and as humanity should be willing to change. Many fear this, but the important aspect is that the change is for the good, …
Continue reading...The 2021 Purusha and Shakti have been active and silent in phases throughout the year, yet we can connect to them anytime. They are presently busy assisting Lord Kalki in various projects and works.
At the …
The year so far has been intense and has gone by at a quick pace. Even though there may be chaos in the world, we are traversing through this period quickly. This is an advantage, …
Continue reading...The present period is overwhelming for many, as there are various dynamic factors influencing us. At the individual level, it is the accelerated impact of our karmas and the effects of our life choices and …
Continue reading...Our Prayers and Affirmations (Sankalpa) play an important role in our Spiritual growth, though we give this aspect less importance. Generally, we only pray to address our immediate problems. Our tendency is to be impulsive …
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