Articles tagged with: saptami

The Maha Kumbh is an important event, and many important Personalities are present there physically and Astrally. Important energies are released every day, and it is a treat for the Spiritually inclined.
Lord Hanuman is physically …

February is a month of joy, love and kindness. The energies of the month also help us to experience a better balance, sustainability and contentment. The Purusha and Shakti of 2024 will be working actively …

The pace of time is accelerating. This is an inherent nature of the Pralaya period. It helps us to deal with tough situations and circumstances in a faster manner.
The multitude of new energies pouring into …

The influence of the two eclipses have been intense and has churned out many issues at the global level. It is a reflection of humanity’s mentality and attitude. The conditioned behaviour of individuals and societies …

At the energetic level, February is the period where there is a large transition in the energies on Earth from the previous year to next year. Many new energies get anchored and spread during the …

2018 is going to be a unique and rare year, compared to the previous few years. The year will be bringing many unexpected changes and there will be a lot of required expiation to justice …

This is a month of many changes — situations, events, climate and even personal circumstances. Many years of Pralaya have uncovered and continue to throw up various suppressed aspects. Because of this, there prevails a …

The Shunya Masa Rishis were on the Earth till the 16th. They have shared a lot of new knowledge and information about their origin, their principles and life. They also shared a lot of their …

We are in the transition phase to the Light Age for many years now. As we get closer to the end of this transition, naturally the challenges and churnings increase. We are moving into an …

We have entered 2012, the most awaited year by humanity, mainly because of the Mayan prophesies and the expected Galactic alignments! This is the year that carries a lot of hopes and promises. It also …