Articles tagged with: Purusha
The aim of the Pralaya period is to help everyone transform. One of its functions is to bring to light all the negative aspects, insecurities, anxieties, fears and stress – both at the individual level …
The ongoing Pandemic has many individuals trying to understand more about God and the ways in which the Divine functions. The global picture can be a little unpleasant. There are millions of individuals affected and …
The pandemic has such a strong impact on humanity that it has brought the “business as usual” to a standstill. Dealing with the Pandemic continues to be the main focus of most nations, yet a …
March is an interesting period. Many things begin to change in our world– right from the weather to the energies and there is a significant momentum in these changes.
The Purusha of 2020 is very active …
The influence of the two eclipses have been intense and has churned out many issues at the global level. It is a reflection of humanity’s mentality and attitude. The conditioned behaviour of individuals and societies …
The New Year and this month begins under the influence of the Eclipse energies, and it has been intense. The Eclipse energies churn the old patterns and brings to surface the inner nature of the …
The transition into the Light Age is progressing gradually. We can witness the churning and Pralaya processes at work, both at the individual and the global levels. Many of us are making efforts to strengthen …
Our Life blossoms in the womb of the mother and upon taking birth, we experience an immensely rich and diverse creation here on Mother Earth. An atmosphere of love and care sustains and supports our …
“My home—it’s over there, beyond the horizon,” sang a mystic-poet. “I’m but a traveller here.” These words aren’t just poetic expressions but pointers towards a fundamental truth of existence. We the souls have arrived from …