Articles tagged with: new Rishis

The Saptarishis go into Tapas for a period of one month, which is like their daily Meditation. Because of their absence, this month is known as Shunya (Zero) Masa.
But the Saptarishis invite another group of Rishis …

This month is a beautiful and auspicious period for transformation and expansion. We have wonderful spiritual energies flooding our Earth and they assist every individual to open up and grow. They also bring new opportunities …

We have lived through one of the best Shunya Masa’s in recent times. On the invitation of the Sapta Rishis, a very special group of Rishis graced our Earth in this duration. These great masters …

Time moves in cycles on this physical plane. We the humans who inhabit this plane are bound by this movement of time. Those who intuitively discovered the cyclic movement of time, created calendars to record …