Articles tagged with: Kama

This period presents various spiritual opportunities for each individual and it is up to us to make use of them. Most on Earth do not focus on their spiritual aspect. We need to balance our …

Energetically, this month is a base and a preparation for many new energies which will be flowing to the Earth in the coming months. The energies that are prevailing now contain the intense Pralaya energies, …

The purpose of Pralaya is to bring about transformation—both at the individual and the global level. The churnings and some destruction is a part of this transformation process. From the beginning of the year, this …

This month, March, will mark a crucial phase of transition on the Earth. The processes relating to our movement towards the Light Age will intensify and many changes will become predominantly visible. The purpose of …

One of the best examples of Nature’s paradoxes is the Hurricane — a whirlwind of tremendous, destructive power but with an absolutely still centre. It’s as if the power of the wind arises from the …