Articles tagged with: Lunar Eclipse

Life outside may seem chaotic with a lot of uncertainties. To sail through this phase, we have to meditate more. Meditation and the energies we absorb during the practice will help us to balance life …

This month, the Rishis have invoked a special Personality— Maan-deshwari Purusha-Shakti. This Personality is from a star near Brahma Loka and has various unique strengths and characteristics.
Lord Kalki, Vasishtha Maharshi and Lord Brahma are very …

The Climate issue is one of the major concerns that we face today at the global level. It is a very important matter that we have to be dealing with collectively. Yet most governments are …

The essence of this period is “Change”. We as individuals, as societies, and as humanity should be willing to change. Many fear this, but the important aspect is that the change is for the good, …

The pandemic continues to spread globally. We could have been doing much better but our inability to work collectively is exposed, rather starkly. The whole situation required people, communities and nations to come together and …