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Home » Special Days

Special Days for Meditation — November 2022

Submitted by on November 7, 2022 – No Comment

The Climate issue is one of the major concerns that we face today at the global level. It is a very important matter that we have to be dealing with collectively. Yet most governments are focusing on the “recession” and ways to strengthen the economy.

Being indifferent to important issues that impact humanity at large will not make them vanish. The calamities are occurring for a reason. All the “record highs” should wake us up and instigate us towards change and betterment. Ignoring them only takes us on a path of no return.

From the Spiritual level, these are signals for us to get in sync with the Divine and act accordingly.  

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The energies of the Eclipse will dominate the energies of the month.

During this month, new energies called the Uttara Sagara Praveena Shakti will be released in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. If one is sensitive, they can witness the flood of extra Light and energies.

Dasha Kumara Maharaj, the Personality invoked last month continues to stay here and work this month as well. At the beginning of the month, the Rishis invoked a Devi – Namrata Sahasra Devi, who will be working along with Dasha Kumara Maharaj.

Namrata Sahasra Devi is an expert in the knowledge of Lunar Eclipse Light and energies, on utilizing them better by manipulating and extracting various properties, and anchoring them.

One of her primary jobs works is working with Lord Kalki. She is also likely to be proposing many new projects to Him. During this month, Mother Earth will also take a lot of help from Namrata Sahasra Devi in various areas— from healing to applying Maya pertinent to the present period.

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The Lunar Eclipse energies will be unique this time. They will be in the form of a lotus flower. Lotus flower generally has the potential and capacity to hold an infinite number of energies. It can also get released abundantly anywhere without any rules and conditions. In essence, they can be anchored anywhere and everywhere.

This is especially helpful to anchor energies and Light in the darkest areas of our Earth without much difficulty.

The Lotus flower shaped energies are generally released on Earth when many important Purusha’s and Shakti’s descend to our Earth to work with Lord Kalki on important missions. These forms can hold powerful energies and keep spreading them according to the work and requirements of their missions.

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The Special Days for Meditation are—

8th Nov — Purnima
             — Lunar Eclipse [1:32pm to 7:26pm IST]

The duration of the Lunar Eclipse is between 08:02 to 13:56 GMT/UT

The Lunar Eclipse will be interesting. Dasha Kumara Maharaj and Namrata Sahasra Devi will be participating in various activities and releasing a multitude of energies. They will also be celebrating the occasion.

One of the principal aims of the Eclipse is to help humanity unite to fight against the various forms of darkness present to bring more Peace and work towards the Light Age. The energies of the Lunar Eclipse will help in strengthening the prayers and affirmations of all individuals.

The Rishis will take the help of the Eclipse energies to help increase the awareness of Spirituality and to bring a better balance between the Spiritual and material aspects of life. They will also work towards bringing humanity together to fight against the atrocities and injustice prevalent.

The Rishis in coordination with Dasha Kumara Maharaj and Namrata Sahasra Devi will be releasing different energies for each hour during the Eclipse. The first three hours will focus on 1) the Energies of Connecting to Light, 2) the Ability to absorb the Eclipse energies better, and 3) helping one to go deep into the layers of the Eclipse energies.

Generally, individuals absorb important energies only at the superficial level and do not allow their influence to manifest. This set of energies will aid each individual to go deeper into the characteristics of the energies.

During the next three hours, the energies will be that of 1) Being Transparent and Open to change, which will increase in pace and be consistent, 2) Being able to handle overwhelming situations and stress, and 3) Being able to take good and correct decisions as quickly as possible without getting into a state of panic or indecision.

Try your best to make the best use of the opportunities. Meditate for the entire duration of the Eclipse if possible.

23rd Nov — Amavasya

The present period is tough and connecting to the energies of our ancestors is important as well as highly beneficial during this phase. The blessings and guidance of our ancestors also help to burn the rigid and tough karmas.

This month, connect to Namrata Sahasra Devi on this day. She has a lot of knowledge and expertise regarding connecting to the energies of our ancestors and in resolving ancestral issues.

The Rishis mention we should consciously work more towards identifying the problems and issues that run in the family. Also, check on the issues that keep getting repeated.

You can place all these issues as well as other problems like troubles from spirits and heavy family issues to Namarata Sahasra Devi and pray for solutions. Be open to receiving answers and guidance.

Practice the following technique on the occasion of Amavasya.

Face North
Duration— 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light

Pray to your ancestors for guidance, healing and for assistance in dealing with the continuous and persistent issues you are facing.

Then imagine bright Greenish-Blue Light coming from your ancestors and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your continuous unresolved issues, family problems, karmas and runas and have a strong intention that all these aspects get engulfed by the Light. Experience for some time.

Lastly, extend the same Light to your life of 2022 and imagine this to absorb the Light and shine with it. Keep experiencing.

Repeat the mantra “Om Pitru Krupa Karmaya, Amavasya Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.

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Techniques for the Special Days will be available only through a subscription service. Details here

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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the VishwaAmara and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.

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