Articles tagged with: Faculties

All great revolutions begin at the doorstep of an individual. They find their sustenance and growth through the participation and involvement of separate individuals, striving together for a common purpose. A change can be long …

The entire humanity celebrates the birthday of a great master, Jesus Christ on this day. This simple man who brought the message of love and light to humanity more than 2000 years ago is still …

Human beings are storytellers. Our stories and myths usually reflect the desires and aspirations that are buried deep in the collective consciousness. One such myth is that of the super-hero, where an ordinary man who’s …

We experience Life around us through our senses. Our emoting and thinking faculties further enable us to process this experience and create meaning out of it. The quality of our living depends not only …

‘The Hero’s Journey’ is a common narrative found in most of the myths and stories across the world. An ordinary man is forced to go on a journey, either out of choice or because of …