Articles tagged with: Bandhan

We just had the abundance of Light and energies from ParaBrahma on Earth. It was a wonderful period where each individual could make considerable strides in their spiritual journey.
We will have various Divine personalities descending …

The aim of the Pralaya period is to help everyone transform. One of its functions is to bring to light all the negative aspects, insecurities, anxieties, fears and stress – both at the individual level …

The just concluded Ashada Masa was important for humanity. During this period, a lot of energies and Light from ParaBrahma was anchored across the entire Brahmanda by the Rishis. Many specific energies were anchored in …

We are in a phase of intense inner Awakening and churning. It may not be pleasant journey for all, but is necessary. We are after all in the transition to a period of Truth and …

We are nearing the end of Aashada Masa. This period has been an amazing and wonderful phase and contained new opportunities and magnificent energies. This continues through August month also. This is the phase where …