Special Days for Meditation — August 2022
We just had the abundance of Light and energies from ParaBrahma on Earth. It was a wonderful period where each individual could make considerable strides in their spiritual journey.
We will have various Divine personalities descending on Earth in the next two months. Their presence and energies will influence humanity and our Earth immensely.
This month is for experiencing, introspecting and working with the energies and Light. We will have various special energies present throughout the month, and it is up to us to make use of them. If we can utilize them, we will be able to tackle all our issues and also connect to and experience the Divine as much as possible.
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This month we have a Purusha in charge of it. The Rishi refer to Him as Artha Megha Maharaj and he is easy to connect to and interact with.
Try to spend some time each day connecting with Artha Megha Maharaj and also experiencing. You can take the help of dark Purplish-Violet Light. He will help each individual, especially in areas related to their ancestral issues and karmas.
He will also be working on projects related to bringing changes in the heavy conditioning of religious and political beliefs prevalent and in the removal and cleansing of various energies on Earth.
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The pace of time is running very fast and its impact can be directly felt in our lives. All our lives are also moving faster. This is causing many individuals to be overwhelmed always. The Rishis mention that the easiest way to deal with this is to practice a lot of Pranayama with dark-Navy Blue Light whenever you feel overwhelmed. It will help immensely to deal with the stress of life.
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The Special Days of August are—
5th Aug — Worship of Devi Mahalakshmi
An amsha of Devi Mahalakshmi will be on Earth for 10 days, from the 5th to the 14th. This amsha of Mahalakshmi will be that of a Warrior and a Divine Mother, which we can experience when we connect to Her. Be open when connecting to Her and experiencing. We can experience the diverse aspects of Her.
During Her stay here, she will focus on the seven Chakras of the individuals, the heartbeat of the Earth and the strengthening of awareness about Pralaya.
The Rishis mention that Devi Mahalakshmi will be releasing seven unique energies to humanity. Each of them is nurturing as well as special and important.
Our Earth requires a lot of healing and for this purpose, Devi Mahalakshmi will be bringing a lot of medicinal and healing energies from Vaikunta and releasing them to Earth. She will also anchor a lot of Her personal energies.
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Practice the following technique for 10 days, from the 5th to 14th Aug.
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Offer your love, sentiments, gratitude, and Light to Devi Mahalakshmi. Pray to Her for a balance of your Spiritual and material aspects of life. You can also place your other prayers and concerns to Her.
Then, imagine bright Goldenish Pink Light coming from Devi Mahalakshmi and allow this to fill you completely. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your prayers, Sankalpa and towards the balance of your Spiritual and material life. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Mahalakshmiyai, Mangalaya Prarthnayai Namaha” silently.
11th Aug — Purnima
— Upakarma, Raksha Bandhan
The Full Moon day is very good for Sankalpas and prayers. We observe the day of Upakarma which is the day to strengthen our commitment toward righteous living and to follow the Spiritual values. We strengthen our spiritual pursuits and prayers. The energies present help us in this.
On this day, the Divine will also present new opportunities and new doorways. Be open, willing to change and ready to fill yourself with new energies and more Light.
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Artha Megha Maharaj will also execute various important works on this day with Lord Kalki and the Rishis. They will also anchor energies of Wisdom, energies that help to deal with the various challenges of Pralaya, and energies that help us balance our material and spiritual aspects of life.
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Practice the following technique on the occasion of Upakarma—
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Then imagine bright Goldenish-Orange Light coming from above and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your prayers, Sankalpa, new projects and to the new Doorways. Have a strong intent that these aspects are getting engulfed by the Light. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Nava Yuga Shakti, Tejasayai Namaha” silently.
18th Aug — Krishna Janmashtami
An amsha of Lord Krishna will descend to Earth on the night of the 18th and He will be present till the 27th.
Lord Krishna was a very versatile Personality; a philosopher, warrior and healer. His energies also usually exhibit such versatility. When we connect to Him and the energies, try consciously connecting to the diverse aspects— spiritual philosophy, ways to deal with the Pralaya period and making the best use of the opportunities in this period.
Lord Krishna will also be bringing Healing energies relating to the heart. Connecting to this will help in improving our health, as well as bring a better balance in one’s life. We can also experience a lot of nurturing from them.
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Practice the following technique from the 18th (after 7pm) to the 27th.
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with Blue Light
Express your love, gratitude and Light to Lord Krishna. Pray for good health, and also for a balance of your material and spiritual Health. You can also place your other prayers and concerns to Him.
Then imagine dark-Blue Light coming from Lord Krishna and allow this to fill you completely. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light for a balance of your material and Spiritual aspects of life. Imagine this getting engulfed by the Light and keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Krishnaya Atma Rakshayai, Neela Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
25th Aug — Amara Punyathiti
We observe the death anniversary of Maharshi Amara on this day. We can connect, receive and experience him on the day.
The Rishis mention that when we connect to him, pray for a balance in your life, Inner evolution and for gratitude. The energies of gratitude from him will immensely help a person see and connect to the positive aspects of others and situations.
He will be present throughout the month. We can use the opportunity to experience his Light and energies and learn from his wisdom and maturity.
During this period, Maharshi Amara will also be involved in various works with Artha Megha Maharaj and the other Divine Personalities on Earth.
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Practice the following technique for 3 days— the 25th to 27th Aug
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Express your Love, gratitude and Light to Maharshi Amara. You can also place your prayers and concerns to him.
Imagine Green Light coming from Maharshi Amara and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the Light to your Soul and as the Meditation progresses, imagine that your Soul is merging with the Green Light. Keep experiencing this Oneness throughout.
Repeat the mantra “Om Apoorva Shakti Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
27th Aug — Amavasya
The energies of Lord Krishna and the energies released by Maharshi Amara will dominate on this day. Additionally, if you have time, you can practice the Amavasya technique too on this day.
Amavasya Technique
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Pray to your ancestors for guidance, healing and for assistance in dealing with the continuous and persistent issues you are facing.
Then imagine bright Greenish-Blue Light coming from your ancestors and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your continuous unresolved issues, family problems, karmas and runas and have a strong intention that all these aspects get engulfed by the Light. Experience for some time.
Lastly, extend the same Light to your life of 2022 and imagine this to absorb the Light and shine with it. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Pitru Krupa Karmaya, Amavasya Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
30th Aug — Worship of Devi Gowri
Devi Gowri is a personification of justice, righteousness, radiance, nurturing as well as bonding with Love. The Rishis mention that She will be anchoring all these qualities to our Earth during her brief stay on Earth. We can also consciously connect to Her and experience Her and these qualities.
Her main work during her stay here will be to work with Mother Earth and healing to improve various aspects. She will also be studying and understanding various aspects required and prepare a foundation for new projects of the future.
The Rishis mention that she will work with Artha Megha Maharaj in anchoring a special energy known as Gowri Shringara Shreshta. This special energy literally means the energies and rays from her Heart and her Soul. These are very rare and important energies. We can try and connect to them when we meditate.
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You can practice the following technique on the 30th and 31st
Face North
Duration— 1 to 3 hours
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Express your Love, gratitude and Light to Devi Gowri. You can also place your prayers and concerns to Her.
Imagine bright Goldenish-Pink Light coming from Devi Gowri and allow this to fill you completely. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your Spiritual and material aspects of life. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Gowri Shaktiyai Namaha” silently
31st Aug — Ganesh Chaturthi
We will have the presence of Lord Ganesha from the 31st to 8th Sep. As always, when we connect to Him, we pray for the removal of any obstacles, outgrowing our shortcomings and spiritualizing our thoughts and actions.
On the 31st, we will have the energies of Devi Gowri as well as Lord Ganesha, and this combination will help in deep Sadhana. We can experience the nurturing, bonding and Wisdom from these Personalities.
During his stay here, Lord Ganesha will be counselling the entire humanity at the astral level. He wants to help everyone to awaken and understand the prevalent situation, and the Light Age.
The Rishis mention that to those who are open, he will pass on a lot of knowledge, tools to help adapt to the period and help in burning various karmas and runas.
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Let us approach Lord Ganesha with humility and openness and be willing to learn.
Practice the following technique from the 31st to 8th Sep. The technique will also be very effective to deal with blocks and karmas that bother the entire family.
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Express your Love, gratitude and Light to Lord Ganesha. You can also place your prayers and concerns to Him.
Imagine bright Red Light coming from Lord Ganesha and allow this to fill you completely. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your prayers, concerns, Inner Strength and to your Light within. Keep experiencing throughout.
Repeat the mantra “Om Mangalaya Murthy, Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
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© Copyright 2022 VishwaAmara
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.
Thanks for the article. This month is full of Divine opportunities for Sadhana.
Thanks for the article ?? This month is so auspicious and lots of opportunity to sadhana.