The New Year – 2012
We have entered 2012, the most awaited year by humanity, mainly because of the Mayan prophesies and the expected Galactic alignments! This is the year that carries a lot of hopes and promises. It also carries the Light for the awakening of humanity towards more compassion, love and awareness. We will be able to discover the inner beauty and potential that we all carry, in this year.
The lead up to the New Year has been quite eventful. Many important works were executed at the astral level by different Divine Personalities and Rishis. A lot of healing and counselling was done and many new energies were passed on to all individuals. After this, the last two months have been a period of many opportunities for every individual to choose the higher way and start aligning to Light and its principles.
The Higher intelligence has been observing the ways in which we are responding to the initiatives taken by them so far. The further course of action will be decided on Sankranthi (15 January 2012). More information about the events and happenings in this year will be revealed by the Rishis after this.
The Year 2012
2012 marks the beginning of a phase in which all the opportunities and help that were given to everyone will be put to test! Every individual will be required to align himself with Light. Those who are stubborn and refuse to leave their dark ways will be shifted to the Seven Earths.
The presence and working of Lord Kalki will also intensify from now onwards. He will personally monitor the removal of evil from the Earth and also from all individuals. And when the individuals continue to hold on to their negativities and do not change, tougher action will be taken.
The frequencies of Light and Energies that we absorb will also become more and more subtle as the year progresses. This enables everyone to release the old and gross energies which are still present in their systems. And it will also slowly initiate the transformation of the cells in the body so that they can hold more Light.
All those who choose Light will be able to sail through this period comfortably. Communicating with the Higher Intelligence — God and Rishis, will become easier, but we have to make the initial efforts towards this. More equality will also manifest in this year— between men and women, rich and poor, etc.
The Rishis say that the pace of time will further hasten this year!
This year is an important stepping stone towards the Light Age. New opportunities will be provided this year too, but with more accountability. The more we utilize them, the more opportunities we get. It is up to us to make use of them and grow towards Light.
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The Special days for Meditations in January are –
01 Jan – New Years Day
Let us welcome the New Year with a lot of Love. It contains new beginnings and many old things from the past can be erased. This is the year that holds a lot of opportunities for all to grow spiritually and bring a balance into our lives. All that is required from our end is to keep our ego out, become humble and tune to the Divine.
Let us all henceforth hold a lot of Light in us always. We have to make every available opportunity to tune up to Light and begin manifesting the principles in our life. We have to consciously positivise, unite and fight all the negativities.
The Rishis will be releasing new energies which will be given to every individual on the Earth. They will help strengthen the resolves made by the individuals that take them towards righteousness and adopting Light.
Another major factor is that communicating with the Rishis and Light will become easier henceforth due to these new energies. So let us meditate more and absorb these energies.
05 Jan – Vaikunta Ekadashi
Lord MahaVishnu is already present on our Earth for about a month working at the astral level on various projects. On this day, many of these projects will be executed by him and the Rishis. The implementation of these projects will also mark a definite shift in our progress towards the New Age.
On this day, new energies from him and Devi MahaLakshmi will be released. Pray to these personalities for both your material and spiritual progress. Meditate more and absorb the special energies.
09 Jan – Pournima
New energies will be anchored on our Earth by the new batch of Rishis on this day and hence this Full Moon Day is a day of many new opportunities. These energies will help everyone in their inner cleansing and healing.
15 Jan – Sankranti
This is the day when the Saptarishis resume the responsibility of the administration of the Cosmos from the new batch of Rishis. A report is prepared by the special Rishis who were in charge until now. All these Rishis along with a few other Divine Personalities will then make final decisions regarding the further course of events to occur in the following year.
The personality — ‘Sankranti Purusha’ is also invoked. He is the personality in charge of this time period. We can pray to him and then interact with him about the further course of events. He will guide everyone which will equip us to prepare for the months ahead.
This is also the day to take new Sankalpas (resolutions) and pray to God for its fulfilment. This year, the Rishis will also be releasing energies to help us in this regard.
18 Jan – RA Light Transmission
This day will be one of the most important days in the history of mankind. The great Maharshi – Mangal Brahman will be bringing an abundance of Ra and SuRa energies to our Earth. The Second Sun will also be facilitating this process by reducing the potency of some stronger energies, so that our Earth and humanity can withstand them. The Lightworkers all over the world will be anchoring these energies on Earth.
We can meditate more and absorb these energies as they will aid a lot in our transformation. The Saptarishis will finalise many decisions taken on Sankranti after studying the effects of these energies.
23 Jan – Amavasya
The New Moon day is usually the day for introspection and to connect with our departed elders. It also provides opportunities to overcome our shortcomings and grow. With the release of so many energies in the past fortnight, more meditations on this day will help to assimilate and stabilise all of this.
28 Jan – Worship of Devi Saraswati
On this day energies from Devi Saraswati is released on the Earth and is available to everyone. Her energies aid in learning and developing new talents and skill-sets. In India, this occasion is also celebrated as Vasant Panchami.
Let us offer our respects to her, pray, and meditate more.
30 Jan – Ratha Saptami
This day is celebrated as the birthday of the Sun God – SuryaNarayana. Let us honour him and thank him for all the help and sustenance he provides to our Earth, and to humanity and to the entire nature.
We can meditate for longer durations on this day and consciously absorb more energies from him.
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You can read our eBook – “Communing with Light” to know more about the higher ways of using Light in our day to day life.
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Image Courtesy – Linda Gadbois
Note: We are not associated with any Organization or Meditation Group.
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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
Thanks for all the Info.. Great help
Kumar S.R
Thanks !!!
Love n Light 🙂