Special Days for Meditation — January 2019
January is the month of opportunities and excitement. It is a period of fresh beginnings. The coming period will bring a lot of positivity and wonderful things will manifest in every life, if we allow it. It is a wonderful opportunity to clear the old blocks and baggages from our system.
The past year has been tough for many. Some even look at the developments and question whether there is any hope! Energetically we are getting better constantly and moving towards the destination. There is a large gap between the developments at the astral level and the physical plane. We have to make efforts and tune our actions and behaviour accordingly to the spiritual values. Only then the energies can manifest. Being Clear and Positive from our side is the first big step.
Some physical developments are no doubt, not to our liking. There are wars and natural disasters which overwhelm everyone. The Higher Intelligence too is aware of all these. God knows! And allows it to happen. We have to trust, do our bit and surrender the rest.
The exact future course of events of the year will be decided after Sankranti. Presently the Prakasha Vani Maharishis are working quite intently with Lord Kalki and with Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi. Depending on their observations and requirements of the next stage, the various future events will be decided with respects to our Earth and humanity.
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This is also the period where we regularise and strengthen our Sadhana. Additionally, our spiritual practices should include Prayers as a part of it. We usually focus on practices like Pranayama and Meditation but these added with Prayers help us much better.
The prayers keep us grounded and open us to new opportunities and positivity. The prayers usually begin with the individual, but should expand to the bigger picture. We should pray for Peace, Love and Oneness on the Earth.
Other than the practices, we should include Breathing and Accepting as a part of our lives. Then focus on balancing the material and Spiritual aspects. Breathing, Accepting and Balancing, is the mantra we have to adopt for our growth. This in combination with the awareness of what is happening in and around us helps immensely in the Inner transformation.
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The article on the Messages from the Rishis contain many important guidelines and suggestions for each individual. Go through it repeatedly and let it inspire you and also give you strength. In the same article, more details of the year are also present. The qualities of the year are embodied in the 2019 Purusha. He contains a lot of Wisdom, assistance and patience. We can connect to Him as often as we want and seek help and guidance. Regularly connect to Lord Kalki also and pray for a better world.
The Prakasha Vani Rishis suggest everyone to practice this technique every day for a period of 10 minutes. It is to experience Love in the Heart. It is a simple technique and can be practiced anytime. Imagine bright-Pink Light in your heart (physical) and keep experiencing the love, joy and peace. Practice regularly and it will have a huge impact in you.
The Rishis also suggest the following technique to be practiced. It helps to contribute more Love, Peace, Joy and Light to ourselves and to the world.
Face North-East
Duration – 12 minutes
Begin with 3 rounds of Pranayama with light-Green Light.
Then imagine Purplish, Pink-Blue Light coming from above. With your intention, send the Light to your inner blocks, suffocations and confusions and have a strong thought that they are getting cleared away. Then send the Light to any situation that is bothering you. Imagine it to getting filled with Love and joy and then surrender it to the Divine.
Then extend the same Light to your surroundings. Lastly send the Light to Mother Earth and have a strong prayer that She is getting relief, getting healed, nurtured and loved.
Keep experiencing this throughout the Meditation and repeat “Om” silently.
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The Special Days of January are —
6th January — Amavasya
Solar Eclipse — 5:04 am to 9:18am IST
The period of the Eclipse is from 23:34 (5th) to 3:48 (6th) GMT/UT.
The eclipse is for a shorter duration comparatively, but the energies are quite powerful. Much of the energies of the Eclipse is related to cleansing and churning, and these will be released all over the Earth.
Other than the cleansing, the energies of the eclipse will help individuals to understand themselves better and the purpose of this period. They also assist us to become more peaceful and calmer and to open up further. For all this, our efforts are required in parallel.
The energies of the eclipse also aid in developing our Intuition and increase our spiritual sensitivity. We will also be able to understand the importance of the Divine Light and the valuable guidance and assistance available from Light.
To have clarity with these energies and to balance your life well, pray to the Prakasha Vani Rishis and to Lord Kalki when you begin Meditation. Then pray to the energies of the Eclipse.
Pray to your ancestors also for their blessings on this day. It will help your enhance both your spiritual and material aspects of life. Practice the following technique during the eclipse—
Face North
Duration— 5:04 am to 9:18am IST [23:34 (5th) to 3:48 (6th) GMT/UT]
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright light-Blue Light.
Then imagine bright light-Bluish-Violet Light coming from above and allow the Light to fill your body slowly and gradually. Keep experiencing the Light within throughout the Meditation.
Repeat the mantra “Om Trigunaya, Grahana Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
14th/15th January — Sankranti
This is the day that the Kala Purusha of the period, known as Sankranti Purusha is invoked by the Rishis. The Saptarishis also resume their responsibilities after a month long Tapas on this day.
This year, the energies of Sankranti will be available from 5pm on the 14th, till 6pm on the 15th, IST.
The Rishis ask everyone to make a list of important decisions you want to accomplish and your long term prayers, and place these to Sankranti Purusha. Seek his blessings, guidance and assistance for these. It is very important.
The energies of Sankranti Purusha will be powerful yet feel soft and educative. This is very much required at this period. Be open to receive the energies and pray to Sankranti Purusha to help you receive the energies and also to implement and manifest.
This year, Sankranti Purusha will be releasing 7 varieties of Light and energies. We are not aware of the details presently. In general they relate to our Earth and the present period. While meditating, be aware that we will receive these seven different kinds of energies.
Sakranti Purusha will be working with the Prakasha Vani Rishis too till the night of the 15th and then the Rishis will bade farewell.
We can practice the following technique on the occasion of Sankranti –
Face North
Duration – 1hour [Between 5:00pm on 14th till 6:00pm on 15th, IST; the technique can be practiced on both the days]
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Orangish-Golden Light
First offer your respects, love and gratitude to Sankranti Purusha. Then you can place your Sankalpa and prayers to Him.
Then imagine dark Orangish-Golden Light coming from Sankranti Purusha and allow the same Light to fill your physical body completely. Then imagine the Light in each cell and the DNA of each cell. Imagine all of this to be shining and radiating in the Light.
Repeat the mantra “Om Sankranti Shaktiyai Namo Namaha” silently.
21st January — Purnima
Lunar Eclipse—8:06am to 1:18pm
The duration of the Lunar eclipse is between 02:36 to 07:48 GMT/UT
The energies of this Eclipse are very essential for our Earth and humanity. We will also be able to lightly feel the presence of Lord Kalki on this day.
Be open while receiving and experiencing these energies. Be soft in your approach and do not force the energies. The eclipse energies will help in clearing various inner blocks and also in cleansing of the Earth. They also help in bringing a balance in our life.
Before beginning the Meditation, express your love and gratitude to Lord Kalki and try to feel His presence. You can place your Sankalpas and prayers to Chandra Deva (Moon God) as well. Utilize the opportunity well.
The Rishis mention that after the period of the eclipse, there could be many irrelevant issues, darkness and dramas being throw up. Do not panic. Breath, pause and then allow these to fizzle out. React only to those necessary. You can always pray to Lord Kalki for protection. Deep breathing and pausing repeatedly will help you to deal with everything practically and wisely.
We can practice the following technique for the entire duration of the eclipse. Be humble and surrendered and open to receive. We will be able to witness remarkable changes in our surroundings.
Face North
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright-Golden Light
Offer your love, respects and gratitude to Chandra Deva, Lunar Eclipse formation and to Lord Kalki.
Then imagine dark-Purplish-Blue Light coming from the above personalities and Eclipse and allow the Light to fill your body completely. Imagine the body absorbing the energies and then shining in the Light. Keep experiencing this throughout the Meditation.
Repeat the mantra “Om Yantra Tejasayai, Chandra Grahana Shaktiyai Namaha”
The eclipse can be intense. Take a lot of rest. If you are feeling very full energetically, practice a lot of deep breathing you should be fine. If required take the rest of the day off from work and take rest. Allow the body to assimilate the energies. This energies are very beneficial and essential for the coming months.
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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.
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Thanks VA Team
Thanks and gratitude to VA for channelling this wonderful knowledge. Humanity is at a very important phase of time. Sadhana and surrendering to God is the way forward. Humanity should utilise the opportunities provided by divine during eclipses as they are doorways to light and bring in more peace,love and joy into this world.
Very useful information….. Thank you very much.