Special Days for Meditation — November 2023
This November is the month of Light. This is the period for us to strengthen our connection to Light, and to celebrate Life, Light and Love.
The energies of this month will help us to connect deeper to the essence of Light, to its Values and most importantly, the Principles of Light.
This month also focuses on helping individuals to connect Within. We will also have new opportunities and doorways opening and these will equip us to face the coming years.
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The Rishis mention that we can spend more time trying to connect to Light and experience the above mentioned aspects. They highlight that when trying to connect to the Essence of Light, try to understand what the Brightness of Light is, and how this Brightness helps one overcome struggles and hardships, and how to take the help of Light to improve all walks of your life.
When connecting to the Values of Light, other than the general values we understand, explore how to connect the dynamic aspects of Light. This includes how life on Earth, and in Creation keeps evolving, how the laws and value systems change and get enhanced and go along with this change, and through this dynamic process how do we keep the balance among the different aspects of our life.
The Principles of Light have been the foundation and the Pillar of Creation and all life. They hold good irrespective of the period, challenges, or the evolution of life. The Principles of Light have kept the balance and diversity in Creation alive and vibrant.
The caretakers of Creation, the Rishis have always abided by these Principles and hence even Light has a huge reverence for these great Masters. While connecting to the Principles of Light, explore these and work on strengthening them within you.
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Lord Kalki is very active Astrally with various important projects. One of the important works that he is working on is to calm down various upheavals that are occurring on Earth presently. Whether this calm prevails or reverts will entirely depend on the response of humanity.
During Navaratri, Lord Kalki and Devi Adi Shakti carried out an interesting work where they anchored Seven Disks of energy across the Earth. Each of these energies is from a different Star of the Milky Way and together are called the Sapta Chakra Dravena.
These energy Disks form their own Grid and will influence Earth. They deal with sustaining various positive attributes during the Pralaya period as well as maintaining balance.
Later this month, an amsha of Lord Shiva is expected to descend to Earth who will be working with Lord Kalki. Energies from this amsha of Lord Shiva will also be abundantly made available to humanity.
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The Special days of November are—
12th Nov — Naraka Chaturdasi
13th Nov — Diwali
14th Nov — Bali Padyami
The tradition of the festival of Diwali began in the times of Lord Rama when the people of Ayodhya celebrated His return after killing Ravana and rescuing Sita. The people decorated the entire city with lamps and celebrated this joyous occasion by bursting crackers. This tradition continues to this day.
The preceding day is known as Naraka Chaturdashi. This was the day when the evil rakshasa, Narakasura was killed by Lord Krishna. The victory of God’s Light over the darkness of the demon is celebrated on this day.
The day following the New Moon day is known as Bali Padyami. It commemorates the defeat of the demon king Bali at the hands of Vamana, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
These three occasions are symbolic of the victory of Light over darkness and hence also known as the festival of Lights. Special energies and Light are available on these days that help each individual to remove the darkness present within and replace it with God’s Light and purity.
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During this occasion, let us pray that we can experience more Light, and manifest its qualities of Peace, Oneness and Fairness all over the world.
The Rishis have been working along with Lord Kalki on an important project leading up to Diwali. There will be an energetic shift on Earth from Diwali onwards. We should be able to witness many new changes, and a new approach to deal with heavy and negative energies.
Lord Kalki will be working on the next phase of the Power of Pralaya energies and the second phase of energies of Sapta Chakra Dravena will be released.
The focus on connecting with within will be strengthened. The Rishis mention that we have to start strengthening this aspect and should learn from the Self— from accepting, and loving, to dealing with our emotions and shortcomings. This connection will help us to be stable and balanced irrespective of what life throws at them.
Pray and connect to Light, and keep experiencing.
26th Nov — Shiva Deepa
27th Nov— Vishnu Deepa, Purnima
On the occasion of Shiva and Vishnu Deepa, we shall have the energies from Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu on our Earth. These energies will specially help in the inner cleansing of our system and thereby help us to radiate with Light (symbolic of us being a lamp).
This year, we will have the presence of an amsha of Lord Shiva who will be working with Lord Kalki. The Rishis mention that other than releasing new energies and initiating projects, Lord Shiva will also be transferring various Powers of His to Lord Kalki. They are also expected to anchor new Sound codes and mantras on Earth.
These Personalities along with the Rishis will begin discussions about the upcoming year, and various new projects.
This occasion is highly conducive for us to strengthen our Sankalpa, and improve our strengths. It is also auspicious and easy to connect to Light and experience it.
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Techniques for the Special Days are available through a subscription service. Details here
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