Special Days for Meditation — March 2022
March provides various opportunities for contemplation and introspection. The occasions also help to strengthen our Spirituality and inner positivity.
There will be numerous new energies released throughout the month and we will witness various new transitions, though all may not be positive. It will range from various global affairs to climate. Certain energies that will be released are for individual places.
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The Rishis will invoke a Purusha and Shakti this month. We can take the help of bright Goldenish-Orange Light to easily connect with the two Personalities and experience them. We can receive guidance, energies and help from them.
We will have the presence of Lord Shiva on Earth during the occasion of Shivaratri. The occasions of Holi and Equinox are also very important this month. In fact, Equinox will be a platform for various events of the future months. Make use of these wonderful opportunities for your Inner cleaning and growth.
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The Special Days of March are—
1st March— Maha Shivaratri
We will have the presence of Lord Shiva on this day. We can pray to Him for his blessings, guidance and also for his energies and Light.
The energies of Lord Shiva deal with churning and cleansing and helps expose the shortcomings and negativity. They are very important, especially in this period as they become an antidote for the issues and problems that we are facing due to the influence of Pralaya.
The energies are in the nature of “Tapas” and they coerce us through the process of purification and spiritual growth.
The best way for us to absorb these energies is to have a lot of Inner acceptance and be ready for Inner work. The future period requires this from all of us.
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On this day, connect to the Purusha and Shakti of March too. Their energies will be similar to those carried by Lord Shiva.
The Rishis mention that the energies of Devi Parvathi will also be made available on this day. These energies will help in balancing and nurturing during this period. Be aware of the energies during the Meditation.
Practice the following technique on the 1st, on the occasion of MahaShivaratri
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with Blue Light
Offer your love, respect and gratitude to Lord Shiva. You can also place your prayers and Sankalpa to him.
Imagine bright Blue Light coming from Lord Shiva and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your prayers, Sankalpa and to other issues that bother you. Imagine each of these to absorb the Light. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” silently.
2nd March— Amavasya
This Amavasya is expected to be unique as well as tough. The energies will deal with the inner churnings and they will confront us to face our old conditionings, and shortcomings.
The energies from Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi will also be available along with the energies from our ancestors.
Practice the following technique on the occasion of Amavasya—
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Pray to your ancestors for guidance, healing and for assistance in dealing with the continuous and persistent issues you are facing.
Then imagine bright Greenish-Blue Light coming from your ancestors and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your continuous unresolved issues, family problems, karmas and runas and have a strong intention that all these aspects get engulfed by the Light. Experience for some time.
Lastly, extend the same Light to your life of 2022 and imagine this to absorb the Light and shine with it. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Pitru Krupa Karmaya, Amavasya Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.
17th/18th March— Holi, Purnima
The Purnima day is important and the energies can be utilized to strengthen our Prayers and Sankalpas. Contemplate and keep these ready. The occasion of Holi is also meant for introspection and working on our negativity, especially the Arishatvargas.
The Rishis will also utilize this opportunity to begin various new projects and absorb new energies from the Divine.
At the global level, the engines help in cleansing to take place. The more open we are, we will be able to utilize the opportunity and evolve with the period’s constant change.
This Purnima will contain many opportunities and gifts– both material and spiritual. The energies also help in clearing various long term plans that are yet to manifest; for example, a marriage or purchase of a house.
We can also strengthen our Spiritual focus and strengthen our Sadhana and Meditation.
The following technique can be practised on the 17th and the 18th to clear the Arishatvargas—
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Then pray to Agni Brahma, Lord Agni Deva, and to Chandra Deva. Pray to them to help burn your Arishatvargas and negativity.
Then imagine a Homa Kunda in front of you and a fire burning in it.
Imagine each of the Arishatvargas one by one and put it into the fire.
After this, mentally imagine an abundance of dark-Navy Blue Light coming from above and filling your completely. Keep experiencing this.
Repeat the mantra “Om Antarayai, Agni Neela Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
20th March— Equinox
Equinox is when the Sun is directly over the Equator. We will receive many new and wonderful energies on this day.
Many a times during this process, old energies are also released from the Earth and this process can lead to confusion and the period becoming tough. The more we are able to connect to the new energies and absorb them, the more clarity we can gain.
The energies of Equinox will surface various unresolved issues. This period is that of turmoil and churning with the intention that at the end of it, there can be a shift of awareness. The majority of humanity is still rigid, and hungry for power and wealth that the Divine has allowed this period.
We will require a lot of strength and willpower to deal with this so that we can work and clear them. The Rishis and Light-workers are working already towards finding solutions for this, but it will not be easy, as most are not open. It will become easier only when we start growing Spiritually and manifesting the Divine values in our life.
The Rishis mention that the younger generation is very important in this aspect as they are more open, understand intuitively on what is required and have the potential to carry more Light. But this gap between the old and the young will also lead to new clashes and confusion going ahead.
Practice the following technique on the occasion of Equinox—
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Be open and receptive while practising the technique
Imagine bright Goldenish-Orange Light coming from the Equinox formation and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then extend the Light to the aspect of Getting ready and Gearing up for the remaining period of 2022. Imagine the aspect to absorb the Light and getting engulfed in it.
Lastly, extend the same Light to your Prayers, Sankalpa and to the issues that are bothering you. Keep experiencing.
Repeating the mantra “Om Visuvaya Shaktiyai, Svarna Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
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Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.