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Special Days for Meditation — January 2025

Submitted by on January 7, 2025 – No Comment

We have the presence of the Shunya Masa Rishis working silently at the Astral and Causal levels, as we begin the year. The Shunya Masa Rishis are quite silent and they believe more in action and work rather than expressing themselves through thoughts (words).

During this period, when we connect to them, we would have experienced them, rather than being able to communicate. We would have experienced their knowledge and wisdom in the form of energies, Light and experiences. These are special and to be cherished.

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The Rishis mention that January this year has many wonderful new qualities present that can help us immensely. We have to take advantage of these opportunities, work on identifying the lacuna in us and make efforts to change and grow.

Each year, January sets the tone for the year ahead. It is a period of new beginnings and hope, and the energies it carries help more changes from the old to the new to manifest.

We can take advantage of this newness and changes present in the energies to strengthen our aspects and affirmations, and work towards improvement.

Humanity is getting very dependent on external gadgets and with the strengthening of Artificial Intelligence, it is likely to increase further. The month’s energies have the qualities wherein an individual can upgrade their Intelligence and Wisdom.

Many Divine laws will also get upgraded this month. There will be a gentle push towards Spirituality from materialism. It will apply a little more to the younger generation compared to the older one.

The importance of emotional wellbeing will increase. We collectively need aspects like kindness, love and empathy to become stronger midst of the wars and greed and hatred prevalent. In fact, 2024 Shakti worked very hard last year to bring this about.

This month, the Personality of 2025— Tapo Narayana Swamy will work on aspects that will give value to life, and this includes all life forms, along with human life.

Over the past few years, the activity at the level of spirits has increased. They mainly feed on negative emotions, fear and hatred present in us. We have to start strengthening our tolerance and patience collectively. This is the easiest way to deal with them. Meanwhile, we can pray to Devi Adi Shakti and Lord Hanuman for protection and strength.

We have to start balancing our spiritual and material aspects of life. The Balance along with establishing our relation with the Divine are very important.

The energies of January will also help us understand the depth of helping one another. We will be able to cultivate more empathy and strengthen our connection to Light. In fact, we can connect to Light and Divine for all sorts of learning, acceptance and alignments.

The energies will also help us to work on our non-judgement. The habit that most of humanity is deep into only attracts more chaos, karmas, and problems. Being non-judgmental is an essential pillar of Spirituality and we can take definitive steps in this direction.

We can also use this transition to our advantage. When we recognize the things and aspects that we judge, it says more about ourselves rather than the other person. For example, if we judge a person on their appearance, it shows our perceptions, our mindset and our nature about that aspect. Identifying this will help us take the necessary corrective steps.

The month also helps us connect to the basics of life and spirituality— kindness, love and compassion. It can also help us to move on from orthodoxy, superstition and many of the old beliefs and ways of life. Identifying them is a big step which can be overcome in due course.

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The special days of January are—

13th Jan— Purnima

This year, Purnima coincides with the last day of Shunya Masa and we will have the presence of the Shunya Masa Rishis. It will be a very energetic day

The 13th and 14th are amazing days for Sankalpa, prayers, new beginnings, opportunities, growth and evolution. Make use of the opportunities to strengthen these aspects.

Before Meditation, connect to the Shunya Masa Rishis and express your Love, thanks and gratitude to them. They are doing a lot for our humanity and the transition.

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Practice the following technique for Purnima—
Face North
Duration— 1 hour

Mentally connect to the Full Moon. Then connect to your “Self”

Practice 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright-Golden Light

Imagine bright Golden Light and bright light-Blue Light coming from Chandra Deva (Moon God) and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience.

Then extend the same Light to your Heart, Brain, and Manomaya Kosha (Mind). Imagine all of these absorbing the Light and shining with it. Experience.

Then extend the Light to your prayers, Sankalpa, and to the things you want to manifest. Imagine each of them getting engulfed by the Light. Keep experiencing.

Repeat the mantra “Om Antarena, Purnima Shaktiyai, Chandra Sampoorna Brahmaya Namaha” silently.

14th Jan— Sankranti

Sankranti is the day when the Saptarishis resume their responsibilities after a month of Tapas, from the Shunya Masa Rishis.

On this day, the Saptarishis will invoke a Personality— Sankranti Purusha (who is an amsha of Lord MahaVishnu). Sankranti Purusha will be active for six months. He will be coming with new energies, freshness, newness, and charging the Earth with more Light and Internalization.

He will also bring energies and Light relating to the Manomaya Kosha, and mental health. He will also bring energies related to clarity of thought and communication.

Sankranti Purusha is also expected to anchor energies relating to serenity, Peace, Clarity, sharpness, and the power of Light in the areas of Love and kindness. Consciously connect to these aspects on the day while you meditate.

The Saptarishis, Shunya Masa Rishis and Sankranti Purusha will have an important meeting where there will be a large exchange of ideas and observations. Many aspects regarding the future of Earth for the year will be decided by the Rishis on this day.

Sankranti Purusha will be available from 6am to 10pm on this day (local time zone). We can connect to Him and experience Him. We can also strengthen our prayers and Sankalpa with the help of His energies.

Meditate with the help of Golden-Orange Light.

29th Jan— Amavasya

Energetically, this day is a day of connecting, healing, and experiencing our roots through our ancestors, and also pass this on to our descendants. We can also experience righteousness, justice and more Light on this day.

Let us make sincere efforts to connect to the Pitru Devatas, your ancestors and to the energies of the day while meditating. Pray for family healing, and growth— both spiritual and material.

On the day, also pray for a healthy mindset, and healthy lifestyle, and consciously work on overcoming your unwanted desires, greed and succumbing to society’s pressures and expectations.

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Practice the following technique for Amavasya sincerely and diligently. It is a very powerful technique devised by the Rishis and will help each individual immensely.

Face North
Duration— 1 to 2 hours

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden-Green Light

Mentally connect to Pitru Devatas, your Ancestors, and to the Amavasya energies. Pray to them for healing, and to help you meditate well.

Imagine Golden Light coming from the Pitru Devatas, Green Light from your Ancestors and Orange Light from above (Amavasya energies), and allow these to fill your entire body. Experience.

Then extend the Light to your present life, and present karmas and runas. Imagine all of these getting engulfed by the Light. Experience.

Then extend the Light to your repetitive shortcomings, weakness, and other issues bothering you. Imagine all of these getting engulfed by the Light and dissolving in it. Experience.

Repeat the mantra “Om Nyuthana Amavasya Shaktiyai, Samskarana Parivartana Brahmaya Namaha” silently.

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Techniques for the Special Days are available through a subscription service. Details here

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© Copyright 2025 VishwaAmara Vahini Trust
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to VishwaAmara and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.

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