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Special Days for Meditation — December 2024

Submitted by on December 14, 2024 – No Comment

2024 has gone by quite quickly. The pace of time this year has probably been one of the fastest so far. This month is very good to take stock of the year so far and find ways to slow down. Let us not be caught in the fast pace. We have to breathe, become more present and prioritize.

We have to also find ways to overcome the addictive habits that make us less present— like mindless browsing, the various distractions, and activities we are involved in to avoid or escape the main responsibilities.

The events in the second half of the month are all very important and will shape the future— both globally and individually. Make use of all the opportunities and meditate more.

Also utilize the remaining period of the year to learn lessons from our experiences this year and start planning ahead for 2025.

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The Special Days of December are—

13th Dec— Shiva Deepa
14th Dec— Vishnu Deepa
15th Dec— Purnima

These three days are wonderful for making Spiritual progress. The Light available from Lord Shiva and Lord MahaVishnu will help us to Light our “Inner Lamp”, and thereby help us to shine with Light. The energies will help strengthen our spiritual aspects and balance our lives.

This would be an opportune period to work on our Sankalpa’s and also prepare for the next year.

When connecting to Lord Shiva’s Light, connect to the Purity, and to the rawness and organic nature of the Pralaya period. We will be able to better comprehend what is happening around the world, and implement various Spiritual aspects in our life.

When connecting to Lord MahaVishnu’s Light, connect to the Beauty of life, and to the Abundance and multiplying aspects of life.

Take the help of Golden Light and Blue Light for the Meditation.

16th Dec to 13th Jan— Shunya Masa

Shunya Masa is the period where the Saptarishis go for Tapas and a new group of Rishis take over the administration of our Cosmos during this period. This new group of Rishis usually bring an abundance of new energies and knowledge and will carry out various new projects.

We will have the presence of three Rishis for Shunya Masa this year. These Rishis are from three directions and dimensions of ParaBrahma— the North, the Central (which covers the East and West), and the South of ParaBrahma.

The information we understood so far about the Rishis are—

1. The First Rishi is from the North part of ParaBrahma. He is a personification of containing and embracing extremities.

2. The Second Rishi is from the Central Region of ParaBrahma. He takes care of the East and West directions and his specialty is in managing various obstacles and challenges and converting them to opportunities and possibilities.

3. The Third Rishi is from the South of ParaBrahma and he is a true magician and educator. He specializes in equipping Avataras and other Personalities. He is an expert in managing clashes and obstacles and assists towards overcoming them.

These Rishis will work closely with Lord Kalki on various projects. They will also anchor various energies on Earth and set the direction of life for the next year.

They will guide humanity on the importance of timing everything, on dealing with uncertainties, about life and death, the importance of Balancing and how to make the best use of the period.

They will also help us to deal with the extreme experiences we are going through and how to deal with the harsher effects of Pralaya. They will also guide individuals in unlearning and relearning various aspects of life and Spirituality.

An important observation of the Shunya Masa Rishis is that most of humanity’s awareness is still stuck in Kali Yuga and that has to be unentangled and realigned. Hence one of their important missions is to help us understand the positive aspects of the Pralaya period and utilise the goodness present.

This Shunya Masa will be vibrant, and we can expect various changes at the energetic level. There will be a shift in the pace of Pralaya and we will take further steps in our transition towards Satya Yuga.

Try to connect to the Rishis daily during this month and meditate regularly.

Practice the following technique till the 13th of January—

Face North
Duration— 1 hour

First, connect to the three Rishis. Express your love and gratitude.

Then imagine Golden Light, Orange Light and Violet Light coming from these Rishis.

Let the Golden Light fill your brain, Orange Light your Mind (Manomaya Kosha) and Violet Light your Soul. Keep experiencing this throughout.

Repeat the mantra “Om” silently.


21st Dec— Solstice

Solstice is when the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. This alignment of the Sun and Earth is energetically important as it bring about a shift of energies. The Shunya Masa Rishis will also be anchoring various energies across the Earth.

Lord Kalki and the Shunya Masa Rishis will anchor energies that will help humanity increase their Intuitive abilities. In the bigger picture, this will also enable humanity to achieve new breakthroughs, new inventions and discoveries, and vastly improve the thinking ability in humanity.

The day will also lay a platform for many new, rare and big opportunities. These will help us to have more trust and faith, and work towards the betterment of ourselves and the Earth. It also will focus on the betterment of the present and future.

The energies of the day will also help us to tune better to the fluctuations and uncertainties that life throws at us. Connecting to the energies will help us realize the seriousness of various situations so that we can deal with them effectively.

Try to meditate more on this day.

25th Dec— Christmas

We will have the presence of Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi on Earth for three days— the 25th to 27th. It will be an amazing opportunity for us to connect to him and experience.

The Rishis and Lord Kalki too look forward for his visit. It is the period when they will learn, exchange a lot of information and knowledge and also experience.

One of the highlights of this year is that Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi is expected to bring special energies that will help us experience the wholeness of every element present within, and on Earth. This will help us to connect to the aspect that everything in Creation is in sync and interconnected, and also will help us understand our role in Creation. The more deeper we experience, we can perceive the ways in which our thoughts and emotions impact life and our connection to the entire manifestation.

When we meditate and experience these energies, we will be able to connect to tune ourselves to the whole flow of life. Experiencing this will remove unwanted glitches in our life.

Be open to receiving when you meditate. Try to be aware of the Connection and Rejuvenation (as this happens at the deeper level). Sit with no expectations and be open. Even if you are unable to perceive, does not mean you do not experience. For many, it will take time for the experience to manifest from the deeper to the perceivable levels.

Practice the following technique from the 25th to 27th Dec—

Face North
Duration— 1 to 2 hours

Connect to Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi. Express your love, sentiments and gratitude to him. You can also place your prayers. Be open for true connection and experiencing.

Imagine bright Violet Light coming from Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience.

Then extend the Light to your Heart. Imagine the Heart getting engulfed by the Light and as the Meditation progresses, you are able to experience the Love and Light of Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi within. Keep experiencing.

Repeat the mantra “Om Prarthnayai, Antarena Vishwatejasayai Namaha” silently.

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Connect to the Shunya Masa Rishis also on this day. They too will be contributing a lot to Earth and humanity, and assisting Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi in various works.

30th Dec— Amavasya

Over the last 10 years, many aspects have changed energetically about Amavasya. The Pitru Devatas have made connecting to the ancestors and healing our issues much more easier. They have also eased the aspects of being receptive, forgiving and in burning various karmas and runas.

The Pitru Devatas will be working with the Shunya Masa Rishis and exploring different ways to help humanity. They will be dealing with handling complicated ancestral issues, laws and rules.

The Pitru Devatas are also expected to release various energies that will help humanity in their emotional regulation, and in dealing with the Manomaya Kosha.

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The Purusha and Shakti of 2024 will also be concluding their work in this day. We can connect to these Personalities also and express our love and gratitude to them for aiding us throughout the year.

Amavasya Technique

Face North
Duration— 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Blue Light

Pray to the Pitru Devatas, your ancestors, Chandra Deva and then to the Purusha and Shakti of 2024. After this, place your prayers, fears, shortcomings, and family-related karmas and runas to them.

Then imagine Violet Light coming from the Pitru Devatas, Purusha and Shakti of 2024, the year 2024, and Chandra Deva. Imagine dark-Green Light coming from your Ancestors. 

Imagine these to fill your Mind (Manomaya Kosha) and getting engulfed by it. Experience for some time.

Then send the Light to your Shortcomings, fears, conditioning, superstitious beliefs, reluctance to receive, and reluctance to change. Imagine all these aspects absorbing the Light and have an intent that you are willing to accept, Inner heal and Inner transform.

Also, intend that you are willing to get connected to the true Human Nature. Imagine all these aspects to absorb the Light and shine with it. Experience for some time.

Then imagine your entire Physical body absorbing the Light and keep experiencing. 

Repeat the mantra “Om Dvi Sahasra Shaktiyai, Pitru Amavasya, Charanayai Namaha” silently.

31st Dec—New Year’s Eve
1st Jan— New Year

The New Year is an important event each year. There are energy shifts, new beginnings and a chance to reorient our focus and goals.

We can spend a good part of the 31st reminiscing about the year that went by, and note the successes and areas to improve upon. We can also express our gratitude to the wonderful things that have happened in the year gone by.

We can breathe through the unpleasant events and memories, pain etc. and heal them, so that they influence us less going ahead. We should also spend time learning lessons. This introspection is essential as the learning will help us immensely in the year ahead.

Then let us note down our prayers and Sankalpa for the year ahead, also with positive thoughts, hope and gratitude.

On the 1st, welcome the New Year. You can also place your aspirations for the Year ahead, your prayers and seek blessings.

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Techniques for the Special Days are available through a subscription service. Details here

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Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to VishwaAmara and is distributed free.

Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email info@vishwaamara.com.

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