Special Days for Meditation — April 2015
The month begins in the period between the two Eclipses. It is an important phase and many amazing energy works are going on all over the Earth. The Rishis also released some energies of Satya Yuga during this period. They will observe and monitor its effects.
The energies that are flowing to our Earth are fluctuating with some aiding transformation and some intensifying the churning. Hence the quality of Meditations is also haphazard.
The influence of the eclipse energies will be felt till the 15th of April.
Associated with this work, in the beginning of the March two special Divine Souls took birth on our Earth who will play an important role in the transition of our Earth into Satya Yuga in the coming years.
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The Pralaya energies have caused many changes in the weather patterns in the last few years. The new Pralaya processes will bring further changes into the already erratic weather and influence other intense changes. The Pralaya energies will also coerce change. Each individual will feel a subtle pressure on them to let go of their old ways, let go of inertia and move ahead. Amidst all this, the energies of Pralaya also instil hope in everyone.
Nobody can feel comfortable and safe in the old ways of life. It applies to every individual in all walks of life. The old patterns of life and all behaviour have to get aligned to the principles of the Light Age. Those who are not in alignment will undergo the effects. Others can’t help. Each individual has to choose and begin to transform from within.
Channel your efforts properly and with your intention link to the Higher Intelligence for assistance. Miracles occur.
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We are used to praying for help. And we receive it every time, though many do not feel it tangibly. We have to make efforts for the prayers to manifest.
The Rishis mention that from now onwards regularly pray for Unity, Peace, Love, Accommodation and humanity accepting the energies of the New Age, along with your regular prayers. Our prayers are a means for the divine energies to descend further and assist more individuals.
Also Meditate regularly. It is the source of strength, wisdom and solace. Take the help of Light and adopt it in every activity. Make efforts to come out of the old patterns and old ways. Make efforts to align with all the qualities of Light and manifest it in your living.
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The Special Days of April are —
3rd April — Good Friday
5th April — Easter Sunday
Many new energies are available on the Earth on this day, and very opportune to experience Christ. This year, Good Friday also brings with it many new opportunities. It is the day to strengthen our resolve towards a righteous living and move ahead with hope and faith.
Vishwatejas Maharshi will be present on our Earth on Good Friday. Our intent and the love for this Rishi connects us to him. Then we can experience him and his energies.
He will be bringing a lot of nurturing and soothing energies to benefit all. He will also counsel all the individuals on the Earth. Accept these special energies, as much as you can.
Vishwatejas Maharshi mentions that praying is an art. Many times, we pray for idealistic things which take a long time to manifest. We also do not supplement the prayers with our efforts. We have to contemplate and then pray for things such that we are in a position to receive and implement in our life.
We have to also keep the entire humanity in our prayers always. We are a part of the whole and we should always pray for peace, love and unity on the Earth.
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Vishwatejas Maharshi will be available on our Earth for some time on Sunday (Easter). He mentions that he does not need to be present on our Earth for us to contact him. He can be communicated with, anytime. Connect to your Soul and then pray to him. You can get connected. You can always pray for energies, Wisdom and blessings.
4th April — Purnima
Lunar Eclipse 2:33pm IST to 8:28pm IST
The duration of the eclipse is between 09:03 to 14:58 UT/GMT.
Very strong energies will be flooding our Earth during the eclipse. At the astral level, there will also be a reality check on that day. Each individual will be monitored, new energies will be injected and communicated with a lot of information and messages.
The energies from the Lunar eclipse will help in removing many blocks and the energies of suffocation from the individuals. We have to consciously allow these things to occur.
The effect of the eclipses will be there till the 15th of the month. This would a good time to take many important decisions. The energies will help. Contemplate, take decisions and make Sankalpas. The energies can also make you tired physically and mentally. In case the individual experiences this, take rest and relax. Breathe a lot and go with the flow.
Normally during this transition, the focus is always on the spiritual areas. The Rishis mention that during these 11 days (4th to 15th) the focus will be in helping individuals in their regular walk of life and in the “material” areas. Decisions regarding career, health, new ventures, marriage etc. can be thought of wisely and then taken.
The Rishis mention that the energies of the Lunar Eclipse helps in self analysis, cleansing and in self healing. Most importantly it helps in loving and accepting yourself unconditionally.
Make use of this wonderful opportunity.
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During the period of the eclipse, you can practice this technique of Meditation-
Face North
Practice 7 Rounds of Pranayama with Blue Light
Then make your Sankalpas and place your prayers before God.
Then imagine an abundance of Fluorescent Violet Light flowing from above and allow the Light to fill your entire body. Experience the Light in your system for some time. Then imagine the Light to spread and form a pyramid around you. Imagine yourself sitting inside this pyramid made of Fluorescent Violet Light and keep experiencing the Light.
Keep repeating the mantra “Om Sthapa Stupaya Ujwalla Brahmaya Namaha” silently for the entire duration of the Meditation.
14th April — Solar New Year
On this day, we pray to the Sun God, Lord Suryanarayana, invoke the energies of the New Year and pray for Peace, Unity and Love to prevail everywhere. We shall also pray to the Pralaya energies to bring more Wisdom and for humanity to awaken and hear the call of the Universe.
This day is dedicated for prayers, Sankalpas and exchange of energies. It is also for allowing oneself to accept and absorb the new energies and radiate with them. It is also to allow the transition of the energies to take place and for a New Year to dawn is each of our lives.
18th April — Amavasya
New pralaya energies will be released on this day which would throw up the negativities in each individual. These energies also bring rays of hope and love from the Divine. So let us use the opportunity to strengthen our positive aspects, take responsibility in areas concerning us and the surrender to the Divine.
21st April — Akshaya Tritiya
Akshaya means abundance. This is an auspicious day when special energies for manifesting abundance in our lives are available on our Earth.
On this day, many opportunities are provided to grow spiritually as well as materially. It is also the day to make resolutions to pursue both spiritual and material goals. The energies available will help us towards this.
Let us pray for the spiritual and material aspects of our lives. Let us also pray for health, prosperity, Unity and accommodation.
Meditate as much as you can and absorb these wonderful energies.
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Copyright © 2015 VishwaAmara.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.
Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.
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Revered VA team,
Thanks a lot for sharing wonderful knowledge and energies and techniques.
You have stated that eclipse energies will be available till April 15. Can we practice the technique of experiencing violet light all these eleven days or is it to be practised only on the eclipse day??
Warm regards
@Gangadharan –
The technique is meant to be practiced only during the eclipse. The regular stage meditation will connect you to the eclipse energies on the other days.
VA team,
Pranam to Rishis. Thanks for the guidance. shall follow the instructions.
Thank you to all the divine beings
Beloved VA Team,
Pranams to Rishis and your efforts in bringing forth this rare and encouraging information. We are deeply touched. Many thanks.
Thank u very much….,Thank you…
Thanks to VA team giving spl msg for truth seekers and namaskarams to Rishis
lalitha lakshmanan