Amara Jayanti 2025
We observe Maharshi Amara’s birth anniversary on the 1st of February. It is indeed a sentimental and emotional day for all those who know him. It is a festive day in the world of the Rishis, too, and they honour him on this day, as Maharshi Amara has contributed and continues to work a lot for the betterment of our Earth and humanity.
Maharshi Amara is a Rishi par excellence. Since his creation, he has served God and creation, and his entire existence and life have been oriented toward this mission. Anyone who connects with and experiences him will experience his unconditional service and love for the Rishis and God.
He is a person of few words but huge in action. He makes great efforts to manifest them quickly, diligently, and perfectly. It is this nature that very little is written about his personal aspects as he does not want these to hamper or disturb his work. He usually only speaks about Rishis and the work. The little details of Maharshi Amara that we know of presently are those shared by Vasishtha Maharshi.
A great characteristic of Maharshi Amara is that he has taken birth physically multiple times, but each time, he works for the betterment of humanity without getting lost in Maya. He is a Rishi who has vast experience and Wisdom of both the physical and Spiritual aspects of the Divine.
He is also the epitome of knowledge about God’s Manifestation and its functionality, and the Rishis take his guidance and assistance in understanding Creation and its beauty, vastness, and Diversity.
Vasishtha Maharshi mentions that Maharshi Amara is currently working very hard in various areas and silently guiding humanity. His works include helping Lord Kalki in His work, guiding Bi-Bodies and Rishi-workers, and arranging various astral events on Earth. He is also in charge of inviting and welcoming various Divine Personalities to our Earth and escorting them back after their work.
Vasishtha Maharshi says that Maharshi Amara has contributed a lot of Light, Wisdom, and guidance to making this modern world united and standing up for one another. He is helping Lord Kalki unite the world and defeat the dark.
The Rishis admire his humility and practice of gratitude. They say that these qualities help him approach any work or responsibility with respect and reverence, thereby making the entire process simpler and easier to deal with. These are especially vital in tough situations and difficult missions.
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These are some of the basic Principles that Maharshi Amara follows, and he mentions that if we can implement them in our lives, it will help us to grow Spiritually significantly faster—
1. Be simple
This applies from thoughts to physical actions.
2. Express Gratitude
Through this, we can be grounded, value what we have, avoid getting intertwined in negativity, and be in constant connection with God and Light.
3. Have Empathy
Empathy is very important. Our creation is infinite, and empathy is a main characteristic that helps us tune into the diversity and contrasting qualities that exist. Empathy helps us to have clarity and be versatile. Continuous empathy helps us change the vibrations of the present energies to higher ones.
4. Continuously Evolve
This is one of the highest Spiritual values to manifest. It helps us grow, doesn’t allow our ego to strengthen, and enables us to allow changes to manifest smoothly in our lives. This Principle will help us to be in tune with the Creation and God, which is ever changing.
5. Be true to your Conscience
Conscience is often the voice of the Soul, and being in tune with it and acting according to it will help us connect to Light and God, always allowing the Higher Intelligence to operate through us and manifest the right things.
6. Balance
We are Spiritual Beings experiencing the diversity of life. Hence exploring and experiencing life is important. At the same time, we cannot forget our Origin. Therefore balancing the Origin and purpose of life is critical. This will help us to lead a proper and full life.
The aspect of balance also extends to all areas, such as balance in emotions, balance of responsibilities, balance in interests, etc.
7. Discipline
Discipline is an act of unifying our thoughts and actions. Discipline helps us deal with distracting tendencies like lethargy and other shortcomings. While we need to be flexible, it should always be within the boundaries of discipline. From the Spiritual perspective, Discipline is as important as grounding and surrender.
8. Letting Go
This is mainly regarding having grudges, anger, hatred or want of revenge. Realities of life make us experience these, and it is normal. The important part comes that is due time; we have to learn to let go of these strong emotions so that the healing process can take place within. Forgiving is an internal activity. If someone hurts us, forgiving them does not mean putting up with their nonsense again. We keep our distance but heal and let go of the anger and hatred within.
9. Begin Aware
Be Aware of what is happening within and around you. This is not only the activities and physical life but also the energies and various other changes occurring.
Begin Aware helps us contemplate, introspect, identify, and then work on various aspects. These can range from shortcomings to finding ways to improve ourselves. We are also aware of our emotions and thoughts. We can consciously choose not to entertain the negative ones and manifest more positivity and Love around us.
10. Acceptance and Tolerance
Humanity at large is out of tune with this Principle. Because of this, violence, hatred, and ego have increased worldwide.
Tolerance helps us manifest kindness, compassion, and love. If more of us are tolerant, we can create a beautiful world together.
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Practice the following technique from the 1st to 3rd February to connect to and experience Maharshi Amara
Face North
Duration— 1 to 2 hours
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Connect to Maharshi Amara. Express your Love, gratitude and Light to him. You can also place your prayers and Sankalpa.
Imagine bright dark-Green Light and bright Golden Light coming from Maharshi Amara and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.
Then imagine the same Light coming from the heart of Maharshi Amara and filling your heart, and your Intellect (Vignanamaya Kosha). Imagine these merging into the Light and becoming One entity. Experience.
Then imagine the Light coming from the Soul of Maharshi Amara and filling your Soul. As the meditation progresses, imagine your Soul merging with the Light and with the Soul of Maharshi Amara. Keep experiencing.
Repeat the mantra “Om Bruhat Amaraya, Vinaya Amruta Shakti, Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
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We will have an Astral travel on the night of the 1st. Before going to bed, connect to Maharshi Amara and pray that you are taken on the travel.
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Techniques for the Special Days are available through a subscription service. Details here
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© Copyright 2025 VishwaAmara Vahini Trust
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on the condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to VishwaAmara and is distributed free.
Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email
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