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Techniques of Light for Everyday Living 

Light is God. It is when we are in tune with the Light that we are in tune with the highest and with everything that exists. Given the transition phase we are in, it is a prerequisite to tune with Light and our Inner Self that carries it.

Communing with Light introduces ways through which we can be aligned with Light, use Light in every detail of life and thus manifest it in our lives. These techniques mentioned in the book are very considerate gifts given to the humanity by the Rishis.

The techniques cover a range of daily activities and simple tasks like worshipping God and trying to solve our daily problems to the more advanced Meditations and ways to communicate with the Higher Intelligence.

The techniques mentioned in this booklet help us to stay in harmony with all that exists, and to elevate the quality of life and our consciousness. Let us strengthen our connection with Light and welcome the Light Age gracefully.

A Guide to Humanity’s Spiritual Evolution

The Light Age is an eyeopener about the Golden Era which begins on our Earth in a few years from now. It introduces the Light Age which is full of Love, Peace and Truth and explains our movement into it. It carries answers to various questions about the current state of affairs and how an individual should deal with them. It also explains the different spiritual works that are silently occurring to assist our transit into the New Age.

This book also contains the details of the Divine Life that awaits Humanity and the heights that we scale in different fields. The future principles of the Light Age are explained so that one can adopt them and start living in the Light Age from now itself.

This pure wisdom has been directly channeled by the Rishis — the Spiritual masters in the Higher realms who are overseeing our evolution into this New Age.

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