Articles tagged with: Akshaya

The Seven Earths have started to function more after the April Eclipses. Many rigid individuals on Earth are now being taken there Astrally, and the pros and cons of their behaviour are being explained to …

The energies present throughout the month have abundant opportunities to help an individual grow Spiritually. The energies help us evolve, accept the unfamiliar and come out of our comfort zones in which we are stuck.
The …

We have a Lunar Eclipse later this month and a Solar Eclipse next month. The period of the Eclipses are always important days. The energies released during the eclipses vary each time depending on the …

March had the entire world’s focus on dealing with the Pandemic of the coronavirus. It was indeed a heavy period– both at the physical and energetic level. It has taken the world’s attention away from …

We receive an abundance of energies and love from the Divine. We have to be open to receive and accept. Otherwise these energies do not imbibe within. The Divine will not thrust it on us.
The …

There will be varied energies present on Earth this month. This causes some days to feel very energetic and others, just the opposite. To smoothen our experience and feel spiritually balanced, we should practice more …

April has wonderful new opportunities. Some of them will be highly rewarding and breath taking, while others may be tough and intense. Many new energies flow to the Earth through the month. The Rishis also …

The influence of the Eclipse energies of March and the New Year energies last month are very strong and have deep impact on our transition. These energies strengthen the Pralaya processes which influence all areas …

The month begins in the period between the two Eclipses. It is an important phase and many amazing energy works are going on all over the Earth. The Rishis also released some energies of Satya …

Many have written to us over the past month, requesting help to overcome their personal issues as they are finding the going tough. This is the period where the Pralaya energies have intensified all over …