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Special Days for Meditation — August 2020

Submitted by on August 2, 2020 – One Comment

The aim of the Pralaya period is to help everyone transform. One of its functions is to bring to light all the negative aspects, insecurities, anxieties, fears and stress – both at the individual level and the global level. Many are deep-rooted issues which we tend to overlook and are very subtle. These are not easy to surface and identify generally but an occurrence like the pandemic brings all these to the fore.

How do we approach such tough periods? Normally when we face such difficult periods, our tendency is to start blaming the external factors and also complain and grumble. While the external aspects may be a factor, look within also. During such times, many of insecurities, inner issues and fears become more evident. We have to face our fears and work on them. The more we heal these within, the issues on the external also resolve themselves.

We identify these issues one by one and then accept that we have it. The human tendency is to put a brave face and try to underplay such issues. Mentally accepting is important so that they can be addressed properly. If there are any practical steps that you can take, make the necessary efforts. We can take the help of Light also which will hasten the process of healing them. Take the help of dark-Navy Blue Light and keep sending it to the aspects you identify within. Regular practice along with less complaining will yield wonderful results.

Contemplating on the issues also yield new insights and we can deal with them better subsequently. Try seeing the issues from a larger perspective also. For example, ask yourself what is the present situation trying to convey– it can be the pandemic, the political developments, or issues happening in your work front… Some are obvious, while some will be subtle.

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The present pandemic has impacted all in one form or the other. On observation, it is the individual’s attitude towards this that has defined how the period has been for them. For those who have complained and whined, the issues have only magnified. For those who have been able to tune into the positive aspects, in spite of the difficulties, are having a better period. 

Humanity has an opportunity to come out of this in a much better way and improve upon all the earlier shortcomings. There are prospects for fresh beginnings which can reshape our future. It would ease the difficult period and we can make good strides towards Satya Yuga. The global leaders are passive to this unfortunately as power and money are still the factors influencing their decision making.

At the individual level, there is the uncertainty of the future. Spiritualising our lives and Surrender will help us through this. The key is to learn contentment and to be grateful in all possible areas.

This is the period to internalise. The more we can tune-up with the changes and the new energies, we are the ones to benefit. The present period is very opportune to connect within. Most have lost their ability to be guided by their Inner Self and it is time to start re-establishing this. We begin by practising more Pranayama with Light. This helps in vitalising us and clearing many communication channels. It also improves our health and positivity.

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This entire month, we will have the presence of various Divine Personalities on Earth. We have the presence of Goddess Mahalakshmi now. We will have the presence of Lord Krishna and Lord Ganesha later.

The energies they bring and their love will help each individual wonderfully through this phase, as long as make use of it and apply it in our living. Unless we implement, the energies by themselves will be of no use.

Connect to each of them and pray for guidance. We will receive answers and direction. The more we are able to tune into these, we can improve ourselves much quicker.

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This month, the Rishis will also invoke a Purusha to guide humanity through the month. We can refer to him as the “August Purusha”. His energies will help each individual with the aspects of mental peace, reducing stress and anxiety and most importantly being content and positive.

Connect to Him every day and take his help. His energies will also help us to improve our physical and mental health. The Rishis also suggest the following technique. This will help in connecting with Him better and also experiencing the special energies.

Face North
Duration – 15 to 60 minutes

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with soft Golden Light

Then offer your love and gratitude to the August Purusha. Pray for his guidance, blessings and help in both your Spiritual and material aspects of life.

Then imagine bright Fluorescent Greenish-Golden Light coming from August Purusha and allow this to fill you completely. Experience for some time. Then extend the same Light to your prayers, to your worries and anxiety, and to the apprehensions about the present and future. Keep sending the Light and have a strong intent that these aspects are getting engulfed by the Light.

Repeat the mantra “Om Ashta Pushpaya, Manasaya, Nirmala Brahmaya Namaha” silently.

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Note – For those who are interested, the July month technique can be practised as a healing technique whenever required.

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The Special Days of August are—

3rd Aug — Purnima, Upakarma
Raksha Bandhan

This Purnima is a very auspicious day. It is a wonderful day for prayers, making Sankalpa and to reaffirm ourselves to a righteous way of life. Wonderful energies will be available on this day and it will help strengthen our Spirituality and balancing the Spiritual and material aspects of our life.

The Rishis will also be releasing energies from Gayatri Devi which we can absorb through Meditation. Those who know the Gayatri mantra can also repeat it.

On this day other than your prayers and affirmations, pray for Inner strength, for cleansing and to tune-up to the upcoming period. The energies of Goddess Mahalakshmi will also be available which we can connect to.

Practice the following technique on the occasion of Upakarma-

Face North
Duration – minimum of 24 minutes, as long as you can.

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light

Then offer your respects, love and gratitude to Gayatri Devi, to the Rishis and to God.

Then imagine an abundance of bright Orangish-Golden Light coming from above and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the Light to your Heart and then to your Soul. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your prayers, Sankalpas and to the coming months and period. Keep experiencing this throughout the Meditation.

Repeat the mantra “Om Upakarmaya, Gayatri Deviyai Namaha” silently.

11th Aug — Krishna Janmashtami

Lord Krishna will be available for 10 days— from the night of 11th till the 20th. It would be a wonderful time to connect to Him and Experience him. We can also connect to his knowledge and wisdom and also seek his blessings. All this will help us through these tough times.

Every time an amsha of MahaVishnu comes to Earth, there will be a shift and we move to the next phase of transition. This will be more evident now if we are open and in a receiving state.

The Rishis mention that Lord Krishna will bring many special energies with him and they will guide and help humanity. He may also work with the karmas and runas of our Earth and strengthen the transition processes.

We can practice the following technique for the 10 days to experience Lord Krishna. Pray for his guidance and blessings and also for Inner strength.

Face North
Duration – 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with Blue Light

Then offer your love, Light, respects and gratitude to Lord Krishna. You can also place your prayers and concerns to Him.

Then imagine Blue Light coming from Lord Krishna and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time. Then extend the same Light to your mental and physical health and keep experiencing.

Repeat the mantra “Om Krishnaya Namaha” silently.

18th Aug — Amavasya

This day is favourable for connecting to our respective ancestors and seeking their blessings. It is also an opportunity to work on issues that arise due to the ancestral karmas. The Amavasya energies help in clearing obstacles and runas associated with the departed elders.

The day is also an opportunity for introspection and contemplation and the energies aid in making the necessary changes.

Practice the following technique on the occasion of Amavasya—

Face North
Duration – 1 hour

Begin with 12 rounds of Pranayama with bright Green Light

Imagine dark-Blue Light coming the Moon (Amavasya energies) and dark Pinkish-Green Light coming from your respective ancestors. Imagine these to fill you completely and experience for some time. Mentally connect to the Planets and to the Solar System as well.

Then extend the same energies to your karmas and runas and imagine them to absorb the energies and dissolve. Imagine the energies to also help you balance the different aspects of your life.

Repeat the mantra “Om Pitru Devata Shaktiyai, Agni-Tirtha Brahmaya Namaha” silently.

21st Aug — Worship of Devi Gowri

We will have the presence of Devi Gowri (Goddess Parvati) on this day and she will be available only on the 21st. Her energies will be very subtle compared to other years and a little more effort may be required when we connect to Her and experience.

She will be working with Lord Kalki and will be giving Him many rare energies and other things required by him for his work.

Practice the following technique to connect with her and experience. During the Meditation, connect to her nurturing aspects, wisdom and most importantly her patience. All these are very much required now.

Face North-East
Duration – 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Pinkish Golden Light

Then offer your love, respects and gratitude to Devi Gowri. After that, you can place your prayers and concerns to Her.

Then, imagine bright Pinkish-Golden Light coming from Devi Gowri and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your emotions and thoughts (both positive and negative), and to the actions you manifest. Imagine all these to shine and radiate with the Light. Keep experiencing this throughout.

Repeat the mantra “Om Padmaya, Gowri Shaktiyai Namaha” silently.

22nd Aug — Ganesh Chaturthi

We will have the presence of Lord Ganesha for 10 days, from the 22nd to the 31st. We will be able to connect to him deeply and experience His love, Light and blessings. Lord Ganesha radiates with Wisdom, unconditional love and compassion. We can connect to these aspects of his also and experience.

Lord Ganesha will be working along with Lord Kalki in various projects. They will open up more doorways for new energies to flow to the Earth. They will also be attending to various issues that are troubling humanity and stressing Mother Earth.

Lord Ganesha will also work on cleansing, healing and repairing various aspects of our Earth. He will also be anchoring a lot of his unconditional Love at various points on Her.

At the individual level, he will be pumping a lot of energies to the World leaders and important people. He will also work to bring more of the weaker yet important issues to the fore.

We can practice the following technique to experience Lord Ganesha

Face North
Duration – 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light

Then offer your love, Light and gratitude to Lord Ganesha. You can also place your prayers and concerns to Him.

Then imagine bright Red Light coming from Lord Ganesha and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your respective fears, anxiety, stress and insecurities of life. Have a strong intent that all these aspects get dissolved in the Light. Keep experiencing throughout the Meditation.

Repeat the mantra “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” silently.

23rd Aug — Rishi Panchami

The Rishis play an important role in Creation. If God is the Creator, the Rishis are the backbone and pillars of the Creation. They are the guardians of the Creation and administer it on God’s behalf.

This is the day the Rishis are felicitated by God and thanked for their unconditional and selfless work. We too can be a part of this celebration and express our thanks and gratitude to them for their love and blessings. We can also pray to God for the good health of the Rishis and the success of their missions.

We can pray to the Rishis for their continued guidance, help and their love.

Following is the technique that we can practice on this day. We can also practice it on other occasions when we want to receive the guidance.

Face North
Duration – 1 hour

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Orangish-Golden Light

Then offer your love, Light, respects and gratitude to the Rishis. You can also place your prayers and concerns to them. (You need not think of a particular Rishi. Have a thought of Rishis and proceed)

Then imagine bright Orangish-Golden Light coming from the Rishis and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your hopes, faith, justice and then to your prayers and concerns. Keep experiencing throughout the Meditation.

Repeat the mantra “Om Rishi Shakti Tejasayai Namaha” silently.

25th Aug — Maharshi Amara Punyathiti

We observe the Punyathiti of Maharshi Amara on this day. He will be present on Earth from the 25th to the 27th and we can connect to him easily on all these three days.

He will be bringing a lot of energies from Andromeda Galaxy and anchoring them on Earth. He will also be anchoring energies relating to the pandemic, and to help humanity heal the anxiety and stress that it is undergoing. He will also spread energies of love and nurturing.

We can connect to all these aspects and also to any messages that he may have for the individual. The person guidance will be important. While connecting to Him, we will be able to connect to the energies of Lord Ganesha.

Let us express our love and unconditional gratitude to him and also thank him for his selfless service to humanity. We can practice the following technique for three days, from the 25th to the 27th.

Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with Green Light

Then offer your love, Light, resects and gratitude to Maharshi Amara. You can also spend some time trying to communicate with him.

Then imagine bright Golden-Green Light coming from Maharshi Amara and allow this to fill your entire body. Experience for some time.

Then extend the same Light to your physical health, mental health and to your respective fears and shortcomings. Keep experiencing the Light throughout the Meditation.

Repeat the mantra “Om Nirmalaya Shakti, Apoorva Brahamaya Namaha” silently.

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Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to info@vishwaamara.com.

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